Sunday 31 January 2016

How and When To Post on Social Media

Best Times To Post on Social Media

How and when you post on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn can make a huge difference in the amount of traffic you are able to garner from these social platforms. While this may not be important to passive social media users, it certainly is to bloggers and businesses who leverage a social media marketing strategy to grow their reach, increase engagement, and encourage click-throughs.

Instead of sifting through multiple studies to piece together information on the different platforms, has created a useful infographic on the optimal times to post. Furthermore, the graphic also discusses the worst times to post, how to use hashtags, the ideal number of updates per day, and platform image sizes for each website.

Nevertheless, it is noteworthy to mention that results for your specific audience may differ depending on your target demographic and their online habits. While this may be a wonderful guide, bloggers and businesses should track and analyze their own traffic patterns to identify the ideal posting times for their readers.

How and When To Post on Social Media

Featured photo credit: The Best Times To Post on Social Media via

The post How and When To Post on Social Media appeared first on Lifehack.

8 Things That Only People with Inner Confidence Know


At 3 1/2 my daughter climbed the countertops for a box of cheerios and a bowl. She was valiantly attempting to prepare her breakfast. I was incredibly threatened, “How after only a few short years, could this totally dependent being could already need me less?”

In his 1843 essay titled “Self-Reliance”, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote about this basic human need for individuals to follow their own instincts and ideas in life. Liberating,right??!! Intimidating,Yes!!! My daughter’s innate drive for self-reliance and trusty individualism was a huge test for what Emerson coined as, “Trust Thyself”. If you are one of those people who have this type of inner confidence, naturally you most likely don’t depend on others. Here are 8 things those who don’t depend on others would understand.

1. You Have Strong Values

Whether it’s your disposition, experience, or some combination of the two, you’ve learned that truth is your religion. You live by values which naturally flow from the inner confidence and core of who you are. These values are the unshakable foundation from which you derive your sense of confidence. Those who don’t depend others to make determinations in life, are aware that truth comes from within and you use this fundamental truth to relate to the world, solve problems and set goals.

2. You Don’t Depend On Others To Make Decisions

Reserving the right to make your own decisions maintains your autonomy and independence in a world full of potential choices. Others may not agree or understand your strong “pursuit of happiness“, however there is no shame in following your instincts in discovering your path in life. Of course, it is important to be kind while asserting yourself, however it is not necessary to give into to an expectation that does not fit with what you desire.

3. You Know What You Want

Those who don’t depend on others are self-reliant and are fully aware of their direction in life due to inner confidence. You have have short and long term goals set that are realistic and attainable. You can often be labeled as stubborn, defiant, or bull-headed by family members and peers but you consider it to be inner confidence. However, because of a strong drive and sense of what is right for you; following your intuition rather than group consensus is all the direction you require. You staunchly express independent thinking in support of your own ideas and opinions.

4. You Are Informed

In knowing what you want, your thirst for knowledge helps you effortlessly move forward in life. Information is your life’s light saber; illuminating the path in the presence of uncertainty or influence. Although these are not common experiences for those who don’t depend on others, they are human experiences. Being informed keeps you well-rounded so the pressures of conformity can easily roll off and advocacy for self and others is one of your highly respected character traits.

5. You Are Seemingly Quiet

Quiet is not an accurate description, but that’s how others may experience you, however you are most likely engaging in quiet observation. Observation is a necessary tool in figuring things out. You stop, look and listen, while you observe your own as well as others’ thoughts and actions in an attempt to determine how to authentically relate to the situation. You don’t depend on the lead of others to fit in.

6. You are Okay With Making Mistakes

Those who don’t depend on others, typically don’t seek validation so making a mistake is no big deal. You fully accept the learning curve in life. As an independent person you have a “bring it on” attitude when it comes to figuring it out, knowing that mistakes lead to greater understanding. What’s the worst that can happen, right? Some of this world’s greatest entrepreneurs have confronted their deepest fears only to ultimately end up right where they belong — all because of inner confidence that carried them along.

7. You Don’t Need a Plan

Because you are resolute in your values, have identified goals, are keen in observation, and at ease with learning as you go; you let these principles guide you in your journey. Your infinite wealth of positive and negative experience provides proof that it all works out, because sometimes climbing the counter for Cheerios results in a tumble. However, you understand that a tumble is a part of success. Not needing a plan allows you to benefit from the trial and error in life because independent people thrive on learning through action.

8. You Assume Responsibility

How would any of this be possible if you weren’t a pro at taking responsibility? When self-reliant people don’t depend on others, they don’t point the finger, its just not an option. You assume ownership in all areas of your life, but you don’t beat yourself up for not being perfect. When independent people take responsibility it’s not just for all of the extrinsic stuff; they take responsibility for themselves as well, knowing that respect and trust in “thyself” is key.

Featured photo credit: Beautiful girl in forest turning her back by Viktor Hanicek via

The post 8 Things That Only People with Inner Confidence Know appeared first on Lifehack.

Simple But Powerful Visualisations To Find Your Purpose In Life

Simple But Powerful Visualisations To Find Your Purpose In Life

What s the meaning of life?

How can you be happy and successful?

What is my purpose here?

Everyone tells you that if you want to live a happy life, all you need to do is follow your passion.

Sounds like a piece of cake, right? And for some of us, it's quite clear. But for the majority of folks I know, discovering their passion in life is a challenge on its own.

It's not enough we need to juggle all of life's nuances, but we need to be on a constant quest to discover what's the ONER thing we came here to do.

It's a bit overwhelming, isn't it?

At least it was for me - I went back and forth the things I think I'm good at, the things people tell me I'm good at, what my hearts desires, what the world needs.....and so on.....and I could never arrive at a certain decision what my passion really is.

Until I read a book on yoga, called the Living Gita.

There are many golden nuggets in this book, but one of the things it helped me do is discover my passion and purpose in life through a simple but powerful visualisation.

How To Discover Your Purpose In Life

I'll give it to as it's in the book, but feel free to imagine a different situation if that'll make it more believable for your mind:

Imagine you go to an ashram (a spiritual hermitage or a monastery in Hinduism) to elevate your spirituality. (In my visualisation, this was a community that was away from civilisation, basic and new, like a huge camp). You expect to spend all your days meditating and praying, serving the guru and selflessly completing every task.

But time passes and you need to fill your days. At first, meditating might be enough for you, but as time goes by you feel the need to do something.

If you're an accountant, you'll start keeping track of the ashram's accounts.

If you're a chef, you'll be compelled to work in the kitchen.

If you're a doctor, you'll start healing people.

Not because you must, but because you feel a natural disposition to do this things. You'll feel compelled to whatever your passion is.

Imagine this ashram (or camp), imagine yourself living there.

What do you do? What do you naturally start doing and what you can't imagine yourself doing?

This is your purpose in life.

You might find out that this is something you're naturally good at. That shouldn't be a surprised. We're naturally good at what we're meant to do in life (makes sense, right?). So the thing that you'll happily devote your time in this ashram is what your life needs to be devoted to in reality.

What I Discovered With This Visualisation Exercise

First, it's okay to have more passions than one. In my visualisation I was writing, making jewelry and decoration from natural and recycled materials, I was teaching and taking care of children, and I was helping others. There was no one good answer and that's okay. We, people, are complex creatures and it's okay to have more than one shades of why we're here. Even the tree has many jobs - to shade, to be a home, to create oxygen....You're a human! Don't limit yourself.

Second, all of those passions were with me since I was a kid. When I had them clearly identified, I saw that since I was a little kid I was naturally compelled to these things. I wanted to write and won poetry contests. I was drawing clothes and jewelry designs when I was 6. It just felt clear all of a sudden, it was all there in the first place!

Third, I'm rather a follower than a leader, and that's okay. I was always an entrepreneurial spirit and I though that my ultimate mission in life is to create my own business. However, in my visualisation I wasn't organising and leading, but helping the leader achieve his vision. This was an eye-opener for me. Now I know I might never start MY own big business, but I am okay with that. Everyone has an important role.

What will come up in your visualisation?

I can't wait to see you comments!

If this simple exercise for discovering your passion in life is something you dig, you should check out the Happiness Workbook for more (it’s free and really hilarious at times).

Antonia Zorluer is a designer, writer and content marketer. She writes for businesses at work and for pleasure at her personal happiness blog where you can find inspirational stories and tips on using writing for a better life. She loves to connect and talk happiness and writing on Twitter and Google +. 

The post Simple But Powerful Visualisations To Find Your Purpose In Life appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

Friday 29 January 2016

7 Warning Signs You’ll Never Get Over Your Breakup


You thought this would never happen to you.

You thought it was forever, but it was a lie.

You still think he’s the one. You still see the sweet, romantic guy you fell in love with.

But things had changed so much. Suddenly, he wants nothing to do with you.

You’ve never felt pain like this.

Your heart aches so badly. You can’t even breathe.

You just want to hold him in your arms, but he’s not there anymore.

You don’t want this to end.

You wake up wishing each day it’ll be different, but it's not. And it won’t ever be.

He Moves On, And You’re Left Devastated

You still remember how he confessed to you. How he loved you. How he wanted to start a life with you.

In the matter of days, he felt different. You’ve become a stepping stone to him.

You don’t understand. How can people go from “You’re the best thing in my life” to “I don’t love you anymore” so quickly?

It’s heartbreaking to see him living his new life. He’s changed so much. Perhaps he already met someone else.

You feel sadness, rage, and the greatest sense of betrayal.

You gave all yourself to someone who said he was in love with you. Now he says he feels nothing. He never really loved you.

He isn’t even in the slightest emotional distress.

Meanwhile, you can’t eat, you can’t sleep.

You can’t believe how someone can just switch off and move on, while you’re left here alone, devastated.

How is this fair to you?

7 Warning Signs You're Not Getting Over Your Ex

After a painful breakup, most people try to do things they think will ease their pain, when in fact they’re sabotaging their own chances of recovery.

If you’re not getting over a breakup, you’ll see many telltale signs hinting that something is wrong.

Here are 7. See if any describe you:

1. You Are Desperate To Get Him Back

You’re scared that without him, you’ll be alone forever. You’re scared that you’ll never find the same happiness again.

So you become desperate. You want him back.

You keep calling and texting him. You tell him how much you love him, how miserable you are without him.

You hope he’ll pity you and return to you.

You know you should let him go. But it’s impossible to let go of someone you love so deeply, just like that.

You need to know this.

The broke up happened for your own benefit. It offers you an opportunity to grow.

Try cutting off all contact with him for a month. It’s not about giving him up. It’s about learning something.

You need to learn to live your life without him. You need to learn to be happy without him.

You will eventually understand that you don’t need him to be happy.

You don’t have to let him go if you don’t want to. But at least, give yourself the chance to grow as a person.

2. You Hang On To Old Memories

You keep thinking about Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and every special day in your life.

You look at old pictures of you and him together.

You see him everywhere, even in your dreams.

You can’t remember what you did with yourself on those days, when you were single.

Whenever you feel like you’re getting over it, you take two steps backward. You end up spending days and nights crying over it again, like it had just happened.

You miss what you had together. It’s hard to let that go.

You’re reminiscing old times with reverie, as if everything was perfect.

But in reality, your relationship had its fair share of highs and lows.

Try to remember the bad of the relationship. The point isn’t to cultivate hatred, but to remind yourself that the relationship wasn’t as perfect as you imagined.

3. You Keep Checking Up On Him

You go to sleep each night wondering what he might be doing after he stopped talking to you.

So you turn to the internet, checking up his profiles on social media.

You saw his pictures. You read what he’s saying to his new girlfriend.

And then, all your feelings for him resurfaced, as though everything happened yesterday.

You’re heartbroken, once again.

You want to not care, because it upsets you so much. But you find yourself checking and then checking some more. You’re addicted.

Fight your curiosity. Whenever you want to check on him, pause. Breathe deeply, and consider the consequences.

Delay the check for as long as you can. The impulse will gradually dissolve.

4. You Blame Everything On Yourself

Since the breakup, you’ve been searching for comprehension.

Why did this happen to me?

Your mind is on overdrive. You begin to scrutinize everything you did.

You’re sure it is because of something you’ve done.

You must be lacking something. The breakup is the proof. Why else would he have broken up with you?

But isn’t it quite extreme to think that everything happens because of you?

Maybe he broke up with you because of his circumstances, not because of anything you did.

Maybe you’re carrying a burden that isn’t even yours.

Investigate how exactly you single-handedly ended the relationship. Think objectively and logically. Often you’ll see that you’re not the only one at fault.

If you did make a mistake, address it. Learn from it, and vow to change yourself. Try your best not to repeat the same mistake again.

5. You Distract Yourself Constantly

You can’t stop thinking about him. Your mind won’t give you a break.

So you try to numb yourself by staying busy. Because you know when you slow down, you’ll succumb to total despair.

If you smother your emotions, your wound won’t heal. It’ll continue to grow on you. Worst, you’ll carry the pain into your relationships with other people.

Pause. Sit down, close your eyes, and let the feeling resurface. Delve into it rather than avoiding it.

Don’t resist your pain. Cry if you want to. It’s natural to cry when you feel sad. It’s how humans release and neutralize their emotions.

Contemplate why you feel a certain emotion. Examine the roots of your pain, and find ways resolve it.

Do this, and you’ll free yourself from the shackles of emotions.

6. You Lose Hope In Love

You wonder if love really exists.

No one is loyal. No one tries to commit. People move on far too easily.

You were loyal. You tried. You had nothing left to give. But it didn't work.

Now, you can only see hopelessness and betrayal.

Think about your family. Think about your friends. Think about the people you meet every day.

These people are just as precious as the love you lost. Don’t forget to cherish them the way he forgot to cherish you.

The world is full of loyal and unconditional love. Open your eyes, and see the love that exists in your world, and in your future.

7. You Fall From Grief Into Depression

In post-breakup grief, you often experience surges of anxiety, anger, sadness and irritation. This is normal. And you’ll recover with time.

But some people might cross the line and go into clinical depression.

You think you’ll stay miserable forever.

You feel like your life is over. You have nothing to live for anymore.

You struggle to do the simplest things, like getting dressed and taking a shower.

You can’t get out of bed. It feels like torture. You only want to lie down and stare into space.

If you have these symptoms, you may have fallen from grief into depression.

Depression is a serious condition. It destroys your relationships, career and even your entire life. If you have doubts, it’s a good idea to consult a mental health professional.

How To Heal A Wound That Won’t Stop Bleeding

Surviving a breakup is not easy. After all, it’s the emotional equivalent of a bleeding wound.

When you’re physically injured, you’re often told by the doctor to take care of the injury and give it time to recover.

Emotional injury is the same. It needs time and care. Give yourself time, watch out for warning signs, and treat it with care.

This is not the end. When the wound heals, you still have a life.

You still have a future.

Because of this breakup, your future relationships will be better than what you had.

Because of this breakup, you will have learned how to love yourself.

Because of what you’ve gone through, you’ll be happier than ever before.

So don’t despair. Because this too, shall pass.

I promise you.


Blon Lee is a Chinese Buddhist who helps people conquer stress, anxiety, depression and reach enlightenment. Follow his blog and learn how to become truly happy.

The post 7 Warning Signs You'll Never Get Over Your Breakup appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

6 Ways For Parents to Add More Family Fun Before Bedtime


Bedtime can be a sweet time, but it can also be a hair-raising nightmare. Sometimes, the same old routine just doesn’t cut it for your little tiger who’s still bouncing off the walls 30 minutes after “lights out.” It is in those moments that you must get creative or risk getting committed to a psych ward.

So, here are six ways to break up the monotony of putting kids to bed while adding a bunch of fun. Same old, same old gets…well…old. If you’re stuck in the same routine each night and want to change things up, try one of these methods:

1. Jump out the wiggles.

Kids have energy. Lots of energy. Some kids simply walk past a piece of candy and start wiggling. They have a lot of energy because they’re so full of life. With that comes the test of a parent’s daily endurance. Oftentimes, parents feel more ready for bed than they are. OK, every time. Adding a set time to be intentionally active (WITH mom/dad) right before bed will help kids wind down in a fun and different way.

ACTION STEP: When bedtime approaches and the little ones are still racing from one end of the house to the other, try throwing every soft item in your living room, i.e. cushions, pillows, and blankets, into the middle of the floor. Honestly, the kids take it from there. It’s like lining the flooring underneath with magnets; kids simply have to pounce. You can also play music and join in the fun.

2. Build a “Story Time Tent.”

Many families curl up on the couch to read bedtime stories, but sometimes children get wiggly or bored – or both.

ACTION STEP: Try constructing a tent with several chairs and a bed sheet. Line the floor of the tent with a blanket and some pillows. Turn out the lights, snuggle in, and read by flashlight. Kids love crawling into places that offer a new experience or some discovery. Imagination plays a big part in the fun. Kids just so happen to be experts in that department.

When we provide creative avenues in which our children can use their imagination, studies show that we’re actually helping them get a grip on reality. According to a study released on the Wall Street Journal, imagination is an integral tool for children as they learn about events that happened in other places in the world or in the past – events they couldn’t see. It also helps them wrestle with the proverbial question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

No flashlight in the house? Grab a flashlight app for your phone if the real thing isn’t handy.

3. Listen to audio books.

This option may not be as exhilarating as throwing a light switch rave or turning the house into a giant maze, but when you want the children to wind down, this can change things up. It also has a more important benefit. According to Tricia at The Domestic Fringe, routinely teaching your children to sit still and listen to audible books or songs helps them develop the patience to sit still in other settings like church, the doctor’s office, etc.

ACTION STEP: Designate a special reading area or reading chair for your child. Tricia recommends one hour each day if your goal is to train your child to sit still. Less time may be sufficient if you simply wish to add variety to storytime.

4. Get in on their game.

Do you remember that ridiculous video of a yoga class being led by a toddler? It looked like a fun workout as each adult tried to mimic the wild and sporadic movements of their tiny instructor. You can bet the child was having the time of his life. Imagine your own child leading in one of his or her games tonight. The Childhood Development Institute reports that playing with our kids tells them that we love them, and “it’s also a great stress reducer for overworked parents.”

ACTION STEP: Try putting down what you’re doing tonight, even if you’re tired, and playing what your children are playing. Get floor-level. You’ll be amazed what you’ll discover when they take the lead.

So often parents feel the need to monitor play time like we’re security guards on patrol. Give yourself permission to build a tower out of blocks or paint nails or jump into a pile of pillows tonight.

5. Let them scribble.

“Don’t write on that!” is a common expression in most households. You probably have planners and notebooks and perhaps a journal resting in various parts of your house. It’s alright for kids to learn that those items are off limits, but what if you permitted them to write or draw something special for you – under your guidance? According to the American Psychological Association, one very important responsibility for parents is to nurture children as they develop their own interests. Another way to say it is this:

“Parents and caregivers offer their children love, acceptance, appreciation, encouragement, and guidance. They provide the most intimate context for the nurturing and protection of children as they develop their personalities and identities and also as they mature physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially.” – APA

ACTION STEP: Your challenge is to sit down with your children before bed and let them write a special note in your notebook or journal. Give them the freedom to express themselves in a way they normally don’t get to.

For example:

Your children can dictate a story, draw a picture, sign their name, tell you about their day, or just scribble. If they’re too young to draw, trace their handprint and label it with your child’s name, age and the date.

Someday, you will flip through that journal, see their scrawlings, and it will be a cherished memory. Or you’ll burst out laughing. These are both excellent reasons to try this.

Don’t have a journal? Grab a spiral bound notebook and start one.

6. Skype with friends and family.

Many families have at least one parent who works evenings. It can be hard to miss so many good night hugs and kisses from one’s children. Research also says the irregular night shifts so many parents face has the potential to impact a child’s development. To help combat that, start a new routine at bedtime.

ACTION STEP: Depending on your significant other’s occupation, schedule Skype or FaceTime dates to let the children speak with their working dad or mom before bed. This also works great for out of town grandparents or cousins (who are also getting ready for bed. See the added benefit?).

Routine and structure are great things, but sometimes life calls for a change up. For the sake of your sanity and that of your amazing kids, try something new tonight.

What are some ways you’ve spiced up an old routine to make it fun for everyone?

Featured photo credit: 137 – Look Up! / David D. via

The post 6 Ways For Parents to Add More Family Fun Before Bedtime appeared first on Lifehack.

Thursday 28 January 2016

15 Websites You Should Know To Make Your Life Easier


One thing that people don’t seem to talk about enough when it comes to the Internet is its daily utility. The whole thing with social media and whatever world-changing stuff it does is great, but the Internet as a tool for making one’s life easier doesn’t get as much mention as it truly deserves. Therefore, there should be some more focus put on that aspect of the Internet, which is definitely something that users do seem to take for granted.

Just think of it as your online tool kit of sorts. We all have tasks we have to complete that involve the Internet in some fashion, and there are various websites that cater to these needs. If you don’t have one yet or you already have some that you use, perhaps these fifteen websites can help make your life easier.

1. Calorie King

If you’re very concerned about how the food you’re eating is affecting your weight loss efforts, then you can visit this website and get the lowdown on how many calories that cookie or chocolate bar is. You can also plan your meals in advance by picking the most nutritious and low-calorie foods in order to help you lose weight as well.

Calorie King also has other tools for helping you control your weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle, as well as a blog that can regularly provide you with more helpful tips and information on your way to a healthier life.

2. Mint

Perhaps the most popular online personal finance management service that’s also free-to-use; Mint is a powerful tool for managing your expenses, creating budgets, and monitor your savings. You can sync your bank accounts to it and have a one place for planning your financial present and future. Having something like this is invaluable for those who really value their money, and it can help even the most confused of people become financially literate.

3. Website Setup

Designing websites usually consist of being knowledgeable about the fundamentals of visual design and being well-versed in HTML, CSS, and even Javascript. However, not everyone who needs to design a website are proficient in those things, and even fewer have the budget for hiring a professional web designer to do it for them.

Website Setup features a free and comprehensive guide to creating a website, from setting up a content management system like WordPress or Drupal, installing plugins, customizing themes, and so on. With Website Setup, you can become a web designer in your own right easily.

4. Codecademy

In this day and age, being fluent in a programming language is such a boost in one’s effectiveness in this world. For those who are looking to learn how to code, Codecademy is the number one online destination for instruction. You’ll get a rundown of the very basics of programming and learn just about any major programming language you wish. Whether it’s Javascript, Python, Ruby, C++, or so on, you can learn the ropes here.

5. Let Me Google That For You

This one is a rather amusing website, but it’s there for good reason. All of us have friends who like to ask the most seemingly basic questions, taking up your time and patience even when there’s the whole Internet right in front of them to give them the answers they seek. You can use this website to do two things—remind them that they can just search it in Google and to get out of your hair.

6. Polish My Writing

Writing can be a fulfilling vocation, whether you do it professionally or just like to write blogs and journals about your life and experiences. However, not everyone has the confidence to write due to worries about grammar and spelling, as well as not being well-versed enough in vocabulary and the art of putting one’s thoughts into words

This website can help you learn more about these things and become the writer you thought you’d never be. It has tools for checking grammar and spelling, as well as other resources for improving your writing.

7. Mathway

Most people have a lot of trouble with math, and it’s something that can’t be avoided in life even if we think that it barely gets used. Whether it’s doing one’s taxes or even just determining whether there’s enough money for groceries, math is something you wouldn’t want to be weak at. Whether you’re a student who needs help with an exam the next day or just someone who’s sick and tired of being weak at math, Mathway can help you become a lot less confused with numbers.

9. Wilderness Survival Skills

If you’re an avid outdoor enthusiast who is into camping, mountaineering, and so on, then you’d be aware that they call for a certain set of skills that need to be honed. To help you better prepare for these endeavors, you may need the right information on things like how to build a fire or what to do when you encounter a certain something in the wilderness. This website is perfect for those who need to learn more about what to pack, how to navigate, how to survive the outdoors, and so on.

9. Strip Creator

If you happen to be a more creatively driven person who likes to experiment with different things, or someone who’s gotten into making comics, then Strip Creator can make things easier and more interesting for you. If you want to make comic strips that show off your ability to create characters and convey your sense of humor, then this website should help you achieve that with relative ease.

10. DIY Courses

Want your child to have more focus on the creative side of things? DIY Courses has online courses for kids that are taught by the world’s most creative experts. With it, you can help unlock your child’s creative potential without having to go somewhere to attend. These courses can be taken wherever you want, as long as there’s Internet access. It costs $15 per month, but it is worth it.

11. The New York Times Cooking

Perhaps you’re looking for new recipes to try. There are plenty of culinary websites out there, but this one is a bit different. The New York Times happens to have a cooking section wherein they have some of the very best recipes you’ll ever find on the Internet, curated by some of the most well-known names in the culinary world, including the likes of Nigella Lawson and so on.

12. Have I Been Pwned?

Online security is always a concern, even if you’re just an average joe or jane who doesn’t care much for his/her email or social media account. But do know that it does matter since it’s your personal stuff being compromised when you get hacked, and some pretty dire consequences can come out of it. If you suspect that something you own just got hacked, you may go to this website and verify that, then know more about what you can do to address that problem and perhaps prevent it in the future.

13. The Lonely Planet Shop

Lonely Planet has been long known for being the biggest travel guide book publisher in the world, and they’ve been doing it online as well for a long time now. Their shop is full of stuff that you may want to take with you on your adventures, and the main site itself should be helpful for gathering information about your destination. Whether it’s learning about the best places to go or how to travel on a budget, that website is great for that.

14. Norton SafeWeb

Norton has been a well-known name in computer security for ages now, and it has its own online security arm that helps with preventing malicious attacks through the Internet. If you’re worried if there’s a virus, malware, trojan horse, or whatever in a suspicious-looking link, then go to this website, enter that URL, and check to see if it’s safe. You can also download an extension to your browser that can do that for you automatically.

15. Nolo

It’s law for all, as it says on the title banner. This website provides legal advice for the every-man who may be worried about getting on the short end of the legal straw. Through Nolo, you can find answers to your legal questions, research various legal topics, read blogs to learn a bit more about the legal world, FAQs for the most nagging of questions, and so on. You can do all of this even before hiring a lawyer, which is great if you want to have every bit of an edge you can get.

These are just some of the many websites that can make tasks more efficient and your life a whole lot easier. It’s a great time to be alive due to the Internet being there for everyone, and you may have your own set of websites that you make use of on a daily basis. If any of these fifteen gets added to your list, then that’s definitely a good thing.

Featured photo credit: Liquene via

The post 15 Websites You Should Know To Make Your Life Easier appeared first on Lifehack.

9 Reasons Why That Person You Gossip About is Happier Than You

9 Reasons Why That Person You Gossip About is Happier Than You


1) He isn't wasting his time talking about you or other people

Heard of this quote?

"Big people come up with ideas. Average people talk about things. Little people talk about others."

That person you gossip so much about is the big person. He's busy being his own person and doing his thing. He is growing. He is happy.

2) He is not surrounding himself with gossipers

And your happiness and emotional well-being largely depends on the people you surround yourself with.

If you're constantly being surrounded by gossipers, there's only so much you can grow. Gossip after all, is toxic in nature.

So if you don't hear that person talking about you or anything like that, it's probably because they have better things to do. If you're gossiping too much, it's time to look around and see whether you're really happy or not.

3) He is not taking sides

When people gossip, they take sides. They start to band together around a certain belief or idea.

And when that gets challenged, they start to be unhappy as they start to wonder, "How dare something/somebody challenge US?"

That is how the masses become unhappy.

But if you don't waste your time gossiping and start to form your opinions instead of believing everything you hear, you'll be a lot happier knowing that you stand up for your own beliefs.

4) He is learning and growing as a person

Gossip gets you nowhere. You learn nothing from it. If anything, it only teaches you to be a judgmental person.

So that person you talk about so much? He's not learning how to judge people. He's doing something more productive. He learns things. He absorbs facts and ideas. He studies them.

He is growing. And when somebody grows, they get better and become happier.

5) He takes pride in not being a liar

Gossipers lie. That's the truth. The truth is always being stretched and things are exaggerated to no end.

A liar is not happy in life because they talk big just to fill up a void.

That person you gossip about so much is way happier because he has meaningful conversations with people instead. He and his friends don't see a need to talk about half-truths or lies which serves no purpose in the end.

6) He has faith in his friends

The thing about gossipy people is that they're ironically surrounded by the very people who talks behind others' back all the time.

It begs to be asked then, "Are these friends talking behind my back?"

I personally believe gossipy people are not happy people as they start to suspect one another.

A non-gossipy person doesn't need to do that. He is happy knowing that his friends are real friends who are there for him.

7) He has a peaceful time at work

Office politics are the bane of every work environment. People and colleagues make it a bad place as everyone keeps gossiping

The person who doesn't waste his time gossiping steers clear of the politics. He is happy at work as he simply focuses on his work and makes sure he does it well.

8) He is nice and helps others

When people gossip, they form this pre-conceived perception of somebody. More often than not, it's not a good one.

As a result, gossipy people end up not being nice at all.

A person who is not nice is not happy person. Period. Deep down, they're suffering.

Think about it: If you're nice and helpful to others, you are happy. Only good can come from that. No sane person ever becomes unhappy from being nice. And sometimes, the only way to become happier is to help others.

9) He is well-respected

Because no gossipy person is a respected one.

A gossipy person doesn't even know how to respect others.

When you're respected, people'd have only good things to say about you.

I don't see how people can be unhappy that way.

Just for Pick The Brain Readers

Hey! Are you affected by gossip?

Then you need to learn how to stop caring about what others think. My free book, 12 Things Happy People Don't Give a F**k About will help with that!

This free book is only available through this link. Go for it!

Alden Tan is both a Bboy and writer who writes about honest and real stories at his blog. He has no time for bullshit and gives you honest advice to become a better, happier person.

The post 9 Reasons Why That Person You Gossip About is Happier Than You appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

10 Bad Habits of Unhappy People

Note: This post is written by Jon Rhodes

“I wish everyone could get rich and famous and have everything they ever dreamed of so they would know that's not the answer.” – Jim Carey

We all want to be happy. That's what drives us to do most things we do. But with modern life it's easy to be distracted. We can spend too much time chasing money and success, and too little on the things that REALLY matter.

We are constantly bombarded with adverts and the media telling us what we should be doing. These are to fit in with their goals, not yours. If you're not careful, this influence can drag you off your path of happiness.

This leads you to develop habits that make you unhappy. When you learn what they are, you are better placed to swap them with habits that make you happy.

Here are some common bad habits of unhappy people…

1. Talk to yourself negatively.

We all meet challenges in life. You wouldn't be living if you didn't. Unhappy people use them as an opportunity to put themselves down. They say things like “I can't”; and “I'm not good enough”.

This can create a cycle of negativity. The more you put yourself down, the lower you feel. The lower you feel, the more you put yourself down.

Talking to yourself in this way will never make you happy. If you can't do something, that's fine. Either learn, or ask someone else to do it for you. You can't expect to be able to do everything.

Be positive about yourself and your abilities. We all have limits. Focus on what you can do.

2. Expect everything to go your way.

When things “go wrong”, unhappy people experience severe negative emotions. These are usually accompanied by a dose of negative self talk, like “Nothing ever goes right for me.” or “Life's not fair.”

The thing is, nothing goes right for anyone. Your washing machine will pack in when you need it most. Your car will break down at some point.

To get the best out of life you must learn to make the best of what's in front of you. Life is like sailing in the wind. Sometimes you have the wind behind you pushing you towards your goals. Other times it's against you. Never give up – you must keep fighting no matter what you're up against.

3. Hold grudges.

When someone wrongs you, it can feel bad. What feels worse is holding a grudge and feeling bad for months, even years.

All this does is cause ill feeling for yourself – not the person you're directing it at. Learn to forgive. Not only is it better for your health and happiness, there's nothing more annoying for the person who wronged you!

4. Forget to play.

It can be easy to get bogged down with work, bills, children, and forget to have fun.  You need time to enjoy yourself if you want to be happy.

Make it a priority to have fun every day. If necessary set aside some “play time” specifically for this purpose. Not only will this raise your happiness levels, it will help you better deal with your responsibilities.

5. Try to please others too much.

Unhappy people try to please others so much they can forget to please themselves. Of course we want people to be happy with us, but not at the cost of our own happiness.

Sometimes you have to make decisions for YOUR benefit. If people around you can't appreciate that, then they're not good friends or family to have. Initially you will get some resistance, but after a while people get used to you living more for yourself, and back off.

6. Don't take risks.

Unhappy people rarely take risks. They're frightened of what could go wrong. This pushes them into a rut, leading a boring and under-stimulating life.

What is REALLY frightening is spending your life never trying anything new or different. All the good stuff in life demands an element of risk. Embrace change and accept that things might not go to plan.

There's nothing more awakening than taking risks and trying new things. You also gain valuable life experience no matter what happens.

7. Don't follow their heart.

Unhappy people make life-changing decisions based on logical thinking. As a result they can be stuck in jobs and relationships that cause them unhappiness.

If a job at the local bank pays well but makes you miserable, what's the point? Strive to live the life you know in your heart you REALLY want to lead.

8. Blame others.

Unhappy people have a helpless attitude that everything is someone else's fault. They might blame their partner, parents and children for their lives. This can be depressing and de-powering.

If you take responsibility for your own life, you will be in a better position to make changes and improve it.

9. Don't live in the “now”.

Unhappy people rarely live in the moment. They dwell on negative past experiences, reliving those awful feelings again. Or they live in the future, thinking they'll be happy once they have more money, a new house, a partner etc.

You can ONLY be truly happy when you are in the present moment. The most simplest of things can make you happy when you're in the moment – even breathing in a nice slow deep lung full of fresh air. Try it now!

10. Take life too seriously.

Unhappy people often take everything seriously. This can make the smallest things cause distress. Falling over on your backside should be a fun experience (unless of course you're seriously hurt).

Take life with a pinch of salt. Learn to laugh when things “go wrong” and always aim to see the bright side of life.

Final thoughts

These are just a few of the things that unhappy people do. Make the decision right now that you will be happy. Decide to be happy. Deciding to be happy is half the battle. Once you have decided, it makes things far easier.

Be wary of slipping back to bad habits. Keep reminding yourself consciously to be happy. After a while it'll become second nature.

Now do all the things you know deep down you should be doing in order to make yourself happy. Enjoy!

Jon Rhodes is a clinical hypnotherapist and owner of HypnoBusters. He thrives on helping improve people's lives all across the globe. Please click here for 3 FREE hypnosis sessions – http://www.HypnoBusters.Com

How to Break Up with Someone You Still Love

How To Break Up With Someone You Still Love

how to deal with a break up

Have you been wondering how to break up with someone you still love? The tips in this article will help you to do just that.

You know that you need to break up, but you do still love and care about them, so you do not wish to hurt them. The longer that you wait to do this, the worse the hurt will be.

There are things that you can do to make this process a little easier on both of you. Read on to find out how.

1. What Is Love?

Love is the feeling you get when you think that someone can meet your psychological needs that are not met in other ways. Your ego is also boosted by this feeling.

It may make you feel more attractive, smarter, or more confident. When you realize these things about love and the ego, then you can begin to prepare to break up with them.

2. There is More Than One Potential Partner

A popular myth about love is that there is a soulmate for everyone. The truth is, there are many soulmates available to all of us. Each one will bring new experiences, and each one will prepare us for the next relationship.

Each ex helps us to know what we do not want in a relationship. If you keep these things in mind, you will be able to easier break up with the one you are with now. There is hope to find someone else who can provide you with what you need, and you in turn can do the same for them.

3. End Contact

Make sure that after you break up, you do not continue to text and call them. Also, as you will surely miss them, remember why you broke up with them in the first place. Do not keep rehashing the good memories, and do not think about what might have been.

4. Ease Them Into the Idea

Do not suddenly heartlessly break up with them out of the blue. Talk to them a couple of times beforehand about what is not working, and gently let them know that you think it would be better for both of you if you ended the relationship at this point.

Tell them that continuing to stay together will only prolong the hurt. Let them know that there are many factors in your decision, and that you want to make a clean break now so that you do not hurt them any further.

5. The Hurt Does Not Have to Last

Another myth about breaking up is that the hurt has to continue on for weeks or months. You are going to be sad after the break up as at this point you still love your ex and you did not want to hurt them.

However, this sadness does not have to linger. Let out your sadness and disappointment. Exercise, journal, cry, and get rid of reminders of the ex. Do not listen to sad songs or watch sad movies. Avoid places where they may hang out as this will only hurt both of you.

When you are wondering how to break up with someone you still love, following the previous tips will help you be able to do so quickly and easily, and you will then not prolong the hurt for either of you.

These are ways to accomplish your goal, and then you can begin to move on and live your life. There is no reason that you have to feel bad for a lengthy amount of time.

Have you used any of these tips to break up with someone you still love? Did you find our tips helpful? Please share in the comments section below.


Alex J. Stevenson is founder of and the creator of the training material ‘The Master Training Kit: How to Get Over Your Ex In 14 Days’. If you are feeling down right now, then he is providing just what you really need at this moment. Visit his site for more help.

The post How to Break Up with Someone You Still Love appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

A Glass Of Red Wine = An Hour At Gym, According To Researchers


Too busy to lace up your sneakers and head for a spin class? Relax…you might get the same benefit from popping open a cabernet, pouring yourself a glass, and sitting back and enjoy the same benefits as a workout.

Sounds too fabulous to be true, right? But crazy as it sounds, researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada found that reservatrol, a key ingredient in red wine, when tested in a lab, improved subjects’ physical performance, muscle strength and heart function as much as a session at the gym. “We were excited when we saw that resveratrol showed results similar to what you would see from extensive endurance exercise training,” said researcher Jason Dyck in an article in Science News. “We immediately saw the potential for this and thought that we identified ‘improved exercise performance in a pill.’ “

Featured photo credit: food & wine/anokarina via

The post A Glass Of Red Wine = An Hour At Gym, According To Researchers appeared first on Lifehack.

How VW Parts Fail ~ 1.9 and 2.0 TDI CamShafts

You guys wanted more TDI content, you got it! Today we are back talking about more failing VW parts. This time we are looking at the camshaft failures on the 1.9 and 2.0 Pumpe Duse engines. This engine was in the Mk4 platform and the B5.5 platform. Failures were much more common on the 1.9l, but...

The post How VW Parts Fail ~ 1.9 and 2.0 TDI CamShafts appeared first on Humble Mechanic.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

8 Infographics Show You How To Make Tasty Hot Drinks That Keep You Warm


1. Hot drinks from around the globe



2. 5 Hot drinks to worm your toes



3. How to spice up your hot chocolate



4. Hot chocolate hacks



5. Simple and healthy soup recipes


6. 14 Different Ways to Make Coffee



7. How to brew the a cup of tea





8. Flowing Teas



The post 8 Infographics Show You How To Make Tasty Hot Drinks That Keep You Warm appeared first on Lifehack.