Saturday 12 September 2015

You Are What You Listen To: 11 Podcasts To Inspire Yourself

2014 Lewis Howes

The key advantage that audio brings us is convenience. We can listen while we’re commuting, exercising, or working, and the growth of podcasts are just starting.

As the popular saying goes, “You are who you surround yourself with.”

The same applies to what you read, what you watch, and in this case: what you listen to.

I’m an avid listener of podcasts, and I’ll get my hands on any show that will give me an edge in life.

To make your life simpler, here are 11 podcasts to inspire yourself.

1. Lewis Howes

Show: The School of Greatness
One-word description: Inspirational

Lewis Howes has been exploding in the podcasting scene over the past year and is consistently ranked as one of the top podcasts on the Health category of iTunes.

Notable guests on The School of Greatness includes Arianna Huffington, Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss, and more, where they share how their journey started from the beginning to greatness.

With Lewis’ School of Greatness Book coming out in a few months, he has been putting out episodes 3 times a week, which includes guest interviews and solo rounds. My personal favorite is his 5-minute Fridays.


2. Tim Ferriss

Show: The Tim Ferriss Show
One-word description: Analytical

After hitting the NYTimes list with all 3 of his books, Tim Ferriss has been “experimenting” with his podcast show, which was awarded “Best of iTunes” in 2014.

The theme of The Tim Ferriss Show is “de-constructing excellence,” and with Tim’s vast network, he brings on the top performers in different industries to ask them questions like “what is your daily habit” and “who’s the first person you think of when you hear the word ‘success’?”

With Tim’s quirky personality, you’ll also get to enjoy some random questions like “who’s the first person you think of when you hear ‘punchable’?”


3. James Altucher

Show: The James Altucher Show
One-word description: Transparent

When most people think of James Altucher, they think honest, transparent, and vulnerable.

James is not afraid to reveal it all, and help his listeners and readers learn from his mistakes, successes, and lessons.
The great thing about James as a host is his curiosity.

He’s willing to go above and beyond to ask his guests questions that the audience is already thinking in their heads.


4. Gary Vaynerchuk

Show: The #AskGaryVee Show
One-word description: Spontaneous

Gary Vaynerchuk made it to the scene in the “Vlogging” world through his first show, Wine Library TV.

Although The #AskGaryVee Show is intended to be “Video first,” he’s always keeping podcast listeners in mind by explaining the visuals of what’s happening on his show – and an added dose of spontaneity.

Known as a social media guru, each episode is based around his fans asking him 3-5 questions on average on social media, where Gary gives his honest answer in return.

If you want your questions answered and a chance to be on the show:
Tweet @garyvee with your question and #askgaryvee in the tweet.


5.Gretchen Rubin

Show: Happier with Gretchen Rubin
One-word description: Happy

Gretchen is a well-known NYTimes Best Selling author, mostly known for her book, Happiness Project.

She’s now extending this brand and fanbase into audio with her new show, Happier with Gretchen Rubin, that she hosts with her sister Elizabeth Craft.

The podcast is already getting millions of downloads within only a few months of launching.

If you’re looking to increase your happiness in life, Happier with Gretchen Rubin is worth checking out.


6. Jack & Suzy Welch

Show: WelchCast
One-word description: Sharp

Jack and Suzy Welch may be defined as one of the most “Powerful Couples” of this decade.

While Suzy is a former editor-in-chief at Harvard Business Review and a NYTimes Best Selling Author, Jack is recognized as one of the greatest CEO’s of all time from his success at General Electric.

If you want to get career advice and tips from some of the most successful people of our time, tune into the WelchCast.


7. Tai Lopez

Show: Tai Lopez Show

One-word description: Insightful

Tai is famous for reading “a book a day” and provides insightful summaries from the best books he reads.

What’s great about Tai’s reviews is not the simple summaries of his books, but his own personal anecdotes and lessons in life that he shares alongside the book reviews.


8. Chalene Johnson

Show: The Chalene Show
One-word description: Energetic

As a fitness trainer, social media expert, life coach, author, and speaker, there seems that there’s very few things that Chalene can’t do.

What stands Chalene out from others is her level of energy that she brings to each episode, in addition to the insights and advice she provides on social media and business growth.

If you want to get pumped and become a better business owner along the way, check out The Chalene Show.


9. Brian Rose

Show: London Real
One-word description: Deep

Have you ever met someone that can sit down with you in one moment, and a few hours fly by without you even noticing?

The host of London Real, Brian Rose, teaches us how to be a great listener, while bringing on amazing guests to share their journey from successful entrepreneurs, creatives, authors, and more.

Notable guests include: Robert Greene, Aubrey De Grey, and Guy Kawasaki.


10. Kevin Rose

Show: The Foundation
One-word description: Savvy

The Foundation is a classic for any tech entrepreneurs wanting to learn from the best. Host of the show, Kevin Rose, is the founder of Digg and currently acts as a Partner of Google Ventures.

What’s amazing about The Foundation is the quality of production and the guests that Kevin brings on, such as Elon Musk.


11. Jordan Harbinger

Show: Art of Charm
One-word description:

The title of this show describes it all. Jordan Harbinger brings his charm with every episode, and teaches his listeners on how to become extraordinary men, along with his guests.

Receiving over a million downloads per month, The Art of Charm is the go-to place for any men looking to become more successful in their personal and professional lives.


The post You Are What You Listen To: 11 Podcasts To Inspire Yourself appeared first on Lifehack.

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