Wednesday 30 September 2015

5 Reasons Why Your Wandering Mind Is Harming Your Productivity

wandering mind

Do you constantly find that your mind goes for a little wander, a little walk around the place? Then you will be quite happy to find out that the way it works in your mind can be adjusted with relative ease. A wandering mind is not a permanent problem and can be associated, most of the time, with something that is going on in your life at this moment in time.

To avoid this from occurring and seeing how you feel when dealing with it, you should consider the following five reasons why your mind may be wandering and what could be behind that;

Money Troubles

The main one that we find is money troubles. When your business is struggling or you barely have enough to live comfortably, you can find that any task you undertake just reminds you of that money problem.

Escaping that is tough work and will usually be a challenge too far for some, but if you really do concentrate on the project you can find that the money worries can escape your mind and let you be productive enough to maybe actually earn some money!

Relationship Issues

A lot of us have problems at home or with the people we love in terms of arguments and debates – sometimes, even over money as mentioned above. This dominates your thoughts and what-if scenarios appear like wildfire; you need to prepare for this and get yourself into a mentality whereby it becomes less daunting to think about.

It will take a bit of time and a bit of patience, sure, but doing so will let you feel a lot more comfortable in your own mind and allow you to just relax and chill out a little bit instead.

Dedicated Problems

Are you struggling to stay dedicated or committed to something? Then the worried of the consequences of staying in or walking away can become a permanent train of thought. If you are struggling to stay committed to something, or someone, it can be a real time consuming thing to think about and worry over. Look into this as soon as you can as you need to find a reason why these commitment problems are so big for you, and how you can get around those problems – this is one that you need to answer yourself, though, no answers exist that you can simply use as a template solution!


If you are loaded with an illness like a cold or even something more serious it can harm productivity massively. You’ll always be spinning your wehels, so to speak, and will find it hard to get yourself going and up for whatever it is that you need to deal with. It’s best to take the time needed to look around and see hwat the problems might be in your mind, so that you can start adjusting and improving your mentality to fit with the illness until you are healthy again.

Life Changes

Going through any big change in life – a new relationship, moving house, losing/changing jobs – can all leave you with a mind that simply cannot sit at peace. If you find yourself in this position whereby you don’t know where to start and where to end, you need to look at the root causes and try find a solution to them. If you cannot be productive as your mind cannot focus you need to take the time needed to find that reason why and also come up with the best possible solution for that problem as quickly as you can.

Take the time that you need to make these adjustments in your mind as they will be very important to helping you handle these life changes. Life changes are big things and can leave you unsure of what you are doing and even who you are at times – just take a deep breath and look at the problem. Imagine that someone else was in this situation; what advice would you give them? This will help you come up with a genuine conclusion that you will actually feel like trusting and going alongside as you start to move forward.

Take the time needed to really understand your position, as a failure to do so can have you blaming things that have nothing to do with your issues, leaving you in a perpetual cycle of never getting anything done or succeeding at your life, always destined to fall behind and fail.

Featured photo credit: http://cdni. via

The post 5 Reasons Why Your Wandering Mind Is Harming Your Productivity appeared first on Lifehack.

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