Wednesday 30 September 2015

15 Things to Remember If You Love A Woman Used to Being Alone and On Her Own


Do you love a woman who is used to being on her own? While you may be used to being around people and going to your friends after a hard day, this independent woman is used to relying on herself. She can have fun by herself, but she can also have a lot of fun with you – check out 15 things to remember if you love a woman who is used to being on her own.

1. She Is Emotionally Strong

She is used to relying on herself, so she is emotionally strong. She can fight her own battles, and while this may seem intimidating initially, you will appreciate her strength when either of you go through a difficult time.

2. She Will Be Reserved At The Beginning

To start with, she will be reserved about the things that are important to her. However, the more you get to know her, the more you will find out. When she is fully open with you, you can be proud to be one of the very few people she chooses to be close to.

3. She Likes To Do Her Own Thing

As she spends time alone regularly, she has picked up hobbies and activities that she enjoys doing alone, like running or reading. Be proud of her for her interests, and encourage her to keep pursuing them.

4. She Isn’t Used To Relying On Other People

She may struggle with letting you do things for her, as she isn’t used to other’s looking out for her. However, that isn’t to say she doesn’t like relying on other people; she probably does, it will just take her a while to get used to it.

5. She Likes It When Things Go Her Way

She will be stubborn when you two disagree, and she will fight to get her way. Sometimes she will win, and sometimes you will – which makes a healthy, fair relationship.

6. She May Want To Take Things Slowly

She isn’t used to being with someone so often, so she won’t want to jump in the deep end straight away. Don’t be pushed away by this – she likes you a lot, but it is a big lifestyle change for her. A woman that is used to being alone might want to take things more slowly than you are used to — but she is worth it.

7. She Still Enjoys Time Alone

She is used to spending time alone and she enjoys that time, so she won’t give it up. You are still very important to her, but she will still need alone time in order to regroup.

8. She May Be Unsure About Your Feelings Towards Her

She isn’t the kind of person who is regularly in relationships, so she may be unsure about your feelings for her. She may question your feelings, but only because this is new territory for her.

9. She Will Take Time To Open Up Emotionally

She won’t tell you her life story and all of her problems straight away, because she is a pretty private person. She will open up over time, but right now she is simply focusing on enjoying her time with you.

10. She May Worry About How Much She Likes You

At the beginning, she may withdraw from you for a while. This isn’t because she doesn’t like you; she just wants to assess her feelings and decide what she wants.

11. Her Trust Must Be Earned

This woman does not trust everyone and anything – it takes time and patience to earn her trust. However, once she does trust you, she will trust you fully.

12. She Is Headstrong

She is headstrong and is used to running her life efficiently without any help. This strength is admirable, and it means she never depend on you for everything.

13. She May Not Need You, But She Wants You

At the beginning, she isn’t spending time with you because she feels like she needs you. She knows she just wants to enjoy your company at this point – but with time and patience, you may grow to need each other.

14. She May Be Wary Of Commitment

Commitment can be scary to all of us; you are giving someone the power to hurt you or leave you. However, she is willing to push past her fears and wander into the unknown together.

15. She Is Used To Being Alone

Her natural comfort zone is being alone, and being alone will always be comforting to her. You can love her for a lifetime, and she will always enjoy being alone. Let her be alone when she wants to be, and be proud of her independence.

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The post 15 Things to Remember If You Love A Woman Used to Being Alone and On Her Own appeared first on Lifehack.

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