Sunday 20 September 2015

37 Weird Things That Happen When Your Boyfriend Is Indeed Your Bestfriend

37 Weirds Things That Happen When Your Boyfriend Is Indeed Your Bestfriend

Is your boyfriend your best friend, too? Some relationships come and go, but when you have something special it is very different. You respect and love your partner, even after seeing all of their gross habits – check out 37 weird things that happen when your boyfriend is your best friend.

1. You occasionally have moments where you think you can’t stand to be around anyone other than your boyfriend.

2. You have accidental outfit ensembles, such as your nearly matching blue jumpers.

3. You sometimes wear each other’s clothes. He thinks your dressing gown is comfy, and you know that his boxers are comfier than your own pants.

4. Embarrassment is no longer an issue in your relationship – you’ve even had a few burping competitions.

5. You’ve let him see you in your true form; wearing your favorite PJ’s, make-up free and smothered in moisturizer – and he thought you looked cute.

6. You know his family well, and you no longer worry about impressing them; you know they already like you.

7. You have tons of inside jokes, and often your conversations make no sense to other people.

8. You actually find his gross habits kinda cute and endearing.

9. You know all of his favorite interests, and you are always finding funny videos and pictures that would make him laugh.

10. You have a favorite restaurant and a favorite takeaway – and it took many, many meals to settle on the best option.

11. You know each other so well that you would be able to tell if he was acting weird or strange.

12. Despite #11, you’ve never worried that he would do anything bad to you anyway.

13. You have a selection of excellent TV shows that you always watch together.

14. In fact, watching one of these TV shows without your boyfriend would be the easiest way to make him mad.

15. Sometimes you look at him while he is checking his phone, laughing or doing something else random, and you realize in that moment how much you love him.

16. He knows everything he possibly could about your period, and he finds it interesting rather than weird.

17. You know his favorite snacks off by heart, and he knows yours.

18. You don’t talk to your boyfriend every day, but you do think about him every day.

19. He knows all of your co-workers by name, and he never forgets which ones you like and which ones you find annoying.

20. You have become experts at taking afternoon naps together.

21. You like to embrace your inner child with your boyfriend by watching cartoons and building forts.

22. You occasionally like to get crazy drunk with each other – even if you’re just sat at home.

23. You can have an entire conversation silently with facial movements if other people are around.

24. Your play-fighting could actually be mistaken for real fighting.

25. You know each other’s favorite bands – even if you hate them.

26. You have hundreds of pictures together – and on most of them, you’re both pulling goofy faces.

27. You dislike people together.

28. You bring out each other’s competitive sides, so even the most boring board game becomes intense when you two play it.

29. You have a mental list of things you and your boyfriend want to do together, such as travelling and trying out the new Thai restaurant on your block.

30. You love each other’s pets like they are your own.

31. You like to create silly dance routines together in the house.

32. You used to take showers together for intimacy.

33. Now you actually share showers because its practical and it is extra time to hang out together.

34. You both have extremely embarrassing pictures of each other.

35. You always know if your boyfriend has had a bad day at work, and how to make him feel better.

36. You know what his favorite alcohol is.

37. Your partner being sad makes you sad, and their happiness makes you happy.
What did you think of this list? Do you agree? Share this list with your boyfriend and see what he thinks!

The post 37 Weird Things That Happen When Your Boyfriend Is Indeed Your Bestfriend appeared first on Lifehack.

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