Monday 7 September 2015

This Is What Will Happen When You Start Drinking Honey Water Every Day

What Happens When You Drink Honey Water Every Day

Water is good for you, we all know that. We hear no end that we should be drinking more and more water. After all, water is a vital component for our bodies, let’s not forget that we’re made up of 80% water! Which is actually a very strange thought when you overthink it. Water basically maintains all of our everyday bodily functions from transporting vital nutrients and oxygen to helping with our day-to-day digestion of food. So we’ve successfully established we NEED it.

But fancy making your water even more helpful to your system? Just add honey, yes honey! I know what you’re thinking.

It’s full of sugar.

But it’s so sweet?

How can honey be healthy?

Fear not friends, honey is actually pretty damn good for you. Drinking a glass of warm honey water everyday can increase your health and even prevent against disease. Yep you heard right, THIS is what will happen if you start drinking honey every day…

Your Skin Will Become Clearer

Yep! Honey is a natural anti-oxidant which means it helps to flush away any waste and thanks to antibacterial properties it helps to keep your skin clean and clearer than ever. This infographic gives a pretty good overview as to why and how you can get better skin by using honey, anyone up for a DIY honey exfoliator?

You Will Boost Your Immune System

Honey owns some pretty impressive immune system boosting properties. Be sure to buy raw, organic honey to gain maximum benefit from the bacteria killing assets! It’s full of enzymes, vitamins and minerals that will protect you against any nasty bacteria.

You Will Lose Weight

So your first thought is probably BUT SUGAR. Yes there is sugar in honey but it’s totally different to white sugar, its natural sugar! These natural sugars will help to satisfy your everyday sweet cravings for naughty treats such as cake, sweets, chocolate and cola. In fact if you swap your sweetener packed drinks for honey water you’ll be saving up to 64% more calories!

Your Sore Throat Will Improve

There’s a reason warm honey water is a winter favourite, it can help to soothe a sore throat and warm you up in the colder months. Honey is a natural remedy for respiratory infections and the common cough, so next time you have a pesky winter cold, reach for the honey (raw and organic though of course).

You Will Flush Out Toxins

Honey and warm water is one of the best combinations to flushing out waste from your system. Say goodbye to toxins and hello to a detox. Oh and a quick tip – adding lemon will improve this even further by helping to increase urination. Just saying.

Your Blood Sugar Levels Will Regulate

As we’ve discussed, whilst honey does contain a fair amount of sugar, it’s not the same as white sugar – the combination of fructose and glucose actually helps the body to regulate your blood sugar levels, it’s also said to lower cholesterol too. Not bad.

Your Gas Will Reduce

I know, I said gas *eww*. But seriously, if you suffer from bloat or feel gassy on the regular then a mug of warm honey water will help to neutralise the gas in your system. You’ll feel half a stone lighter in no time.

You’ll Be Preventing Risk Of Heart Disease

And that’s got to be pretty good right? The flavonoids and anti-oxidants in honey are also pretty handy at helping to prevent and reduce your risk of heart disease. Research has shown that honey slowed down the oxidation process of bad cholesterol in human blood – which can have a harmful effect on your heart leading to attacks and even a stroke.

So what are you waiting for? Grab that honey and boil that kettle!

The post This Is What Will Happen When You Start Drinking Honey Water Every Day appeared first on Lifehack.

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