Sunday 6 September 2015

A Short Story About A Blind Man And A Window, The Ending Will Strike You


Most of us are imperfect. Some of us have the good sense to know this. Then there are some of us who transcend this. This is not to say that they are perfect, but they can see things much clearer than most of us. Such was the case with the blind man in this story. Though his physical vision was gone, he saw things that some of us never see. He saw the need that his friend had for happiness in his life and he provided this happiness. He saw that he had the unique opportunity to bring moments of happiness to a man who was unable to see what he saw. Rather than disappoint him with the truth, he fed his friend the happy visions of love and beauty that he so badly needed.

This happens in day to day life on a smaller scale. The situation is not always as impactful as this one was, but conceptually it is more or less the same. When your significant other comes to you and asks “How does this shirt look?” You understand that you are in the unique position to possibly determine the type of day this person may have. I’m not saying that we lie, but generally we will respond favorably. You and I both know this.

As you walked to the bus or train station this morning, that person you smiled at and said good morning to, they were positively affected by your kind gesture. A good morning can go a long way for someone who is having a rough start at the day. Perhaps they had a rough night, and your “good morning” reminds them of the good in the world. Never underestimate the power of a kind gesture.

The story of the blind man comes in two flavors. The video version which will be discussed henceforth talks of a man who apparently has loss his sight. His roommate at the hospital is on a bed by the window and he spends his time sharing all of the amazing things that he sees outside with his blind friend. He brings joy to his buddy day in and day out by describing in depth, and with some humor the antics of a young couple outside and much more.

The storyteller is seriously ill and requires some surgery or procedure. Sadly once they say goodbye, it is their final goodbye. The storyteller doesn’t make it, and his blind friend is left alone in the room. The nurse arrives and delivers the sad news. However, the blind man asks her to please tell him what she can see outside the window. She looks out and is confused, she then proceeds to tell him that there is nothing there but a wall. The blind man then realizes that his friend was lying to him the entire time, and he laughs to himself as if to say “You got me man.”

Deep down inside I know that he was happy and grateful for what his friend did for him. In life we all need friends like that guy to share happiness with us. There is so much struggle and negativity in the world today. A friend like his is priceless. Do your best to surround yourself with great people that care about you. People who are interested in making you happy, even if they have to transform a wall into a park, and a couple, and ducks, and water.

As friends, we are obligated to be honest. This post isn’t meant to encourage deceit or lying, but if you do have the opportunity to help someone be happy without hurting them, then why not exercise it? That is of course assuming that the circumstances do not hurt or endanger anyone else either. This story was heart warming, touching, and the fib didn’t hurt anyone. In this case I can support the fib, but please use your common sense, we are trying to spread happiness, not pain or deceit!

Featured photo credit: Virginia Artaza via

The post A Short Story About A Blind Man And A Window, The Ending Will Strike You appeared first on Lifehack.

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