Thursday 10 September 2015

A Few Interesting Things that Every Cyclist Loves


They say that the best things in life are free, and with the exception of fun new gear, the same goes for cycling. There are certain benefits to the sport that only cyclists can truly appreciate, such as the feeling of the wind behind you when you’re speeding down a street, or that rush of satisfaction when the new road you decided to travel on emerges as a cool new place to ride. Here are a few interesting things that every cyclist loves:

Difficult Uphill Rides

By now, you are likely a pro at handling obstacles while bike riding. One of the most common obstacles for a rider is steep hills, but these obstacles are also blessings, giving cyclists a feeling of accomplishment as they approach the summit of a hill or mountain. Though it is also the toughest part of any cycling workout, there is something amazing about feeling yourself and your bike move forward with every pedal. And once you finally reach the top of the hill, you are overwhelmed with endorphins and excitement because you now get to speed downhill.

Riding Downhill or with a Tailwind

Coasting downhill, or riding with the wind behind you, makes you feel unstoppable, fast, and unquestionably stronger. You just can’t get enough of that feeling of freedom. Though riding downhill generally means you must ride uphill first, there are some days where you can enjoy a tailwind both on the way out to ride and on the way back, depending on the way the wind moves.

Green Traffic Lights

Drivers and cyclists hate waiting at red lights, but there is nothing more satisfying than speeding through several green traffic lights on a route that usually requires you to stop several times.

New Bike Clothes

Of course, you will always continue to enjoy your old favorite pieces, but it is nice to upgrade every now and then, especially when it comes to fancy new bike gear. This also applies to clothes; aerodynamic shoes, wheels, and handlebars are always a must. Bike wear, special cyclist clothing, and gear like cycling goggles can greatly impact your ride, and it is always fun to deck yourself out in your favorite products before going on a ride. There is nothing a cyclist loves more than going online and browsing the wide range of smart cycling jackets available (besides going on a long ride, of course).

New Routes

Similar to clothing, while you may be tempted to stick with your old paths and resist changing your ways, it is always satisfying to find a new path or trail to travel down, allowing for a change of scenery.

Not Counting Calories

Cycling burns a significant amount of calories, so regular riders typically do no need to worry too much about what they are eating, the amount of calories and fat they are taking in, and how they are going to exercise those calories off. Cycling gives you the freedom to eat that glazed donut or drink that cup of soda, without feeling bad about it later.

Avoiding Traffic

Two words: bike lane. Biking saves money that would otherwise go toward gas, eliminates the need for parking, and allows you to avoid dangerous and annoying rush hour situations. Though pedestrians also profit from these things, bikes allow you to move faster, offering the speed of a vehicle with the benefits of walking.

Though they may be a little odd, these are just a few of the many things that only cyclists are able to fully appreciate. Each sport has its tiny joys and small benefits, and these are some of the ones that cycling boasts.

Featured photo credit: via

The post A Few Interesting Things that Every Cyclist Loves appeared first on Lifehack.

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