Tuesday 8 September 2015

30 Simple Things To Make You Feel Like A Child Again

Simple Things You Can Do To Return To Be A Child Again

Do you ever wish you could just be a kid again? Being an adult means life is filled with commitments and responsibilities, and these demands can often leave us feeling stressed out. Instead of living in the moment, adults find themselves thinking mostly about the future and the past.

On the flip side, children see the world through curious eyes and find inspiration in everything. Instead of worrying about careers and bills, children spend every day living in the moment, seeking out happiness and joy.

Once you were a child, but somewhere along the line you grew up and your attitude changed. But why? Why can’t you be as happy as a child again? Rediscovering your inner child can make your life much happier and less stressful. It can help you to appreciate the smaller things in life.

Check out these 30 simple things that you can do to bring out your inner child again.

  1. Enjoy your own sense of humour by belly laughing at your own jokes and puns.
  2. Be impulsive. You want that ice-cream? Buy it and enjoy it.
  3. Dress up whenever you want — you have a whole wardrobe full of clothes, so put on an outfit that makes you feel happy.
  4. Instead of avoiding puddles, splash through them.
  5. Show physical affection to the people you love — the best way to show someone that you love them is to give them a big hug.
  6. Don’t set yourself a bedtime.
  7. Sing whenever you want to — burst into song on the streets if that’s what you feel like doing.
  8. Eat from the jar. Let’s face it, a spoonful of Nutella is somehow better than Nutella on toast.
  9. Dance whenever you feel like it — in the office, in your kitchen, or while you wander down the street.
  10. Splash in the bath.
  11. Apologise without shame to anyone you have upset.
  12. Decide which superpower you would have if you could have any.
  13. Camp out by building a den in your back garden — or your living room if the weather is cold.
  14. Cry loudly if you feel sad or upset.
  15. Say “I love you” to all of the people you love.
  16. Don’t worry about getting dirty. Instead, focus on all of the fun you are having.
  17. If you see something fun happening, join in! Don’t worry about asking — the best friendships are founded on good times.
  18. Talk nonsense sometimes. It’s amazing how much fun it can be to just say funny words and sentences.
  19. Put yourself first — after all, you are pretty much the most important person you know.
  20. Boast about your achievements. After all, they took hard work, dedication, and effort.
  21. If you’re outside, swap walking for hopping, skipping, or running. They are all much more fun, and they will probably get you to where you’re going quicker.
  22. Buy your favorite candy.
  23. Ask “why” when you don’t get what you want. Many adults just accept the answer, but why not question it? Why can’t you have everything you want?
  24. Make mealtimes fun by playing with your food.
  25. Go around to your best friend’s house and ask them if they would like to play outside with you.
  26. If you feel upset, stamp your foot.
  27. Ride a shopping trolley, a scooter, or anything else you can find with wheels. You are the ruler of your home or the supermarket, and you can ride your chariot whenever you want.
  28. Don’t tidy your room.
  29. Live in awe of all of the things in the world that amaze you.
  30. Run down a list as fast as you can.

What do you think of this list? Do you wish you were a child again? Share this with your friends to see what they think!

The post 30 Simple Things To Make You Feel Like A Child Again appeared first on Lifehack.

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