Monday 7 September 2015

15 Times You Realised Your Best Friend Is The Only One Who Knows You

15 Times You Realised Your Best Friend Is The Only One Who Knows You

Do you love your best friend? Having a best friend is often similar to a marriage – they make you laugh, you know they are always there for you, they know you better than anyone else and you’re pretty sure they are your soul mate, just without the sex. Check out 15 times you realized your best friend is the only person who truly knows you.

1. When They Hate The People You Hate

Your best friend hates your ex and your old boss. Why? Because they upset you. They haven’t actually met either of these people, but anyone who upsets you is no friend of theirs.

2. When They Let You Talk For Hours About Your Crush

You are forever thankful to your best friend for all of the hours they have sat there in silence while you ramble on about coffee shop guy and all of his great traits – like how he has a Greenpeace badge on his backpack. How sweet?!

3. When They Stayed By Your Side After You Got Your Heart Broken

If you go through a break-up, your best friend is there for you no matter what. If you feel sad, they are happy to sit inside and gallons of ice-cream, and if you’re ready to move on, they are happy to get crazy-drunk and stay up until 4 in the morning.

4. When They Listen Patiently To Your Ranting

After a long day, you just want to vent – and your best friend is happy to sit patiently and nod at all of the right places. Sometimes they even provide you with invaluable life advice relating to your problems.

5. Every Time That They Knew Exactly What You Want To Eat

They know your favorite takeout order off by heart, and which candies you hate and which ones you love. This is especially awesome when you go to their house and they have already ordered in. Delicious!

6. When They ‘Like’ Everything You Post On Social Media

Your best friend is your online ally; they ‘like’ everything you post online and make you look way more popular than you actually are. They also keep you updated on your ex, and you check up on their little sister for them.

7. When They Basically Wrote Your Texts For You

If you have a difficult text to send, your best friend will always help you to come up with the perfect text. It may take 7 drafts, but eventually the two of you will come up with the perfect text.

8. Whenever They Let You Borrow Their Stuff

They even let you borrow their brand new jacket from American Apparel, which they haven’t even worn yet – true love.

9. Whenever You Watch Netflix Together

You love to binge watch the same shows, and your perfect evening is with your best friend catching up on Orange Is The New Black.

10. Whenever They Are Totally Honest With You

Your best friend is the only person in your life who is happy to tell you that you have food stuck between your teeth, and for that, you are forever thankful.

11. When You Feel Down And They Know Exactly What To Say

Your best friend always knows exactly what to say, no matter what the situation is. If you’re feeling sad, they can make you smile and laugh. When you’re angry, they can calm you down. No-one else has this power – your best friend is basically magical.

12. When You Do Well And They Cheer You On

From a new promotion to a hot date, your best friend is always happy that you are happy. They always cheer on your victories, and you’re pretty sure they are just as proud of you as your parents are.

13. When They Believed In You

Whenever you’re not sure if you’re good enough for something, your best friend firmly reminds you that you are. It is a much needed confidence boost and you always appreciate it.

14. When They Dropped Everything To Be With You

Every time something horrible has happened to you, your best friend has always dropped everything to make sure you’re okay. They even Skyped you when they were in Spain to make sure you were okay when your favorite TV show finished.

15. Whenever You Realize That They Will Always Be There For You

Even if you moved to a different country, you know in your heart that you two would still be best friends. You will always be in each other’s lives, and you know you will still be laughing together in your 80s.

What did you think of this list? Do you agree? Share this list with your best friend to see what they think!

The post 15 Times You Realised Your Best Friend Is The Only One Who Knows You appeared first on Lifehack.

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