Saturday 12 September 2015

15 Little Tricks: More Willing To Workout In The Morning


If you already have a daily workout habit, why not look into maximizing its benefit just by simply readjusting the order of your routine. Working out in the morning gives you the opportunity to breathe in the morning air as well as organize your thoughts to start a new day refreshed and energized.

1. Set several alarms

The night before, make sure to set up at least 4 different alarms with a five minute gap in between.

2. Set the alarms on your phone with a motivational quote

Make sure to include a message with your set alarms. Remind yourself why it is important to get up early with an inspirational quote. Reading the wise and motivational quotes will trigger your subconscious and motivate you to get out of bed.

3. Eat dinner 2 hours before sleeping

Allow yourself at least 2 hours between the time you finish dinner and when you go to bed.

4. Avoid drinking alcohol at dinner

Do not go beyond a single glass of wine during dinner. Furthermore, avoid eating heavy food or lots of fat during dinner prior to an early workout.

5. Prepare your clothes the night before

Prepare what you will wear for your morning workout and everything that you will need to ensure a smooth transition leading up to the morning workout.

6. Plug in your power song as soon as you wake up.

Treat yourself! Motivate yourself! Make sure to put in some headphones as you get out of bed and listen to your power song to pump up your desire to workout.

7. Visualize a better future

Visualize yourself enjoying the morning workout, before as you fall asleep. You will feel the immediate effects as you complete it and the long term benefits that visualization can contribute to your health and life.

8. Have a workout plan

Clearly define your morning routine. Plan out all the different exercises that you will be doing or the running routes that you will run, to minimize the amount of decisions that need to be made in the morning.

9. Set goals

Create a long-term plan to sustain the habit of getting up early. Read your goals out loud in the morning before leaving the house for the workout.

10. Make it a habit

Have a regular schedule. There is no better way to never miss a morning workout than to incorporate it into your daily routine. This might be hard for world travelers, but making it part of your routine can be one of the best ways to never again miss a morning workout.

11. Involve a partner

It is always more fun to do things with a partner. By convincing a friend, neighbor, or a family member to join you in your morning exercise will make it a more fruitful experience and will make you feel more responsible to not miss the morning workout.

12. Join a class

A morning class can make sports fun, as you wake up to different exercise and nice music. Also, making it a habit can bring you the necessary pressure in case you don’t have a partner to workout with.

13. Jog or ride a bike to your workout location

Starting the day with a little movement before arriving to your gym or workout location can make the morning exercise less painful as your body slowly warms up and adjusts.

14. Cool down after your workout

Use the time after your workout when you feel relaxed and energized to stretch and cool down. As you relax, you foster positive vibes and create great synergy to sustain the rest of the day.

15. Run from your house

This is great for those who don’t want to miss their morning routine, but have a tight schedule. Create a running route from your house. You can easily enjoy a nice 30 minute morning jog with only waking up 35 minutes earlier than if you don’t do it.

Featured photo credit: Biker Sunrise/ Chris Martin via

The post 15 Little Tricks: More Willing To Workout In The Morning appeared first on Lifehack.

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