Wednesday 16 September 2015

10 Things To Tell Yourself When You Think You Aren’t Good Enough At All


There is so much more to life than whining and beating yourself up about your woes. How will you get the best out of life when you are dampened by defeats and not looking at the brighter side of life? Undoubtedly we cannot be happy and ecstatic all the time. Yet rather than feel sober and broken about anything before let us embrace the high points of what we are good at and what we can achieve. Cherish the things that you have and believe in what great things are ahead of you. Here are ten things you should always remember when you think you are not good enough.

1. The present supersedes the past or the future

People can be drowned in the frustrations of the past and consumed in the futility of the future. But you don’t need to be one of those. Because the present can be the key to possibilities. And how you tap into the present and maximize the use of it can make a lot of difference. Since you are currently in the present why worry about any other thing.

2. The world is full of endless comparisons

Everyone is comparing him or herself to this or that. Whoever you are comparing yourself to is also comparing him or herself to another person. Rather than being judgmental or envious you should see the world with understanding and compassion. Through such a lens you can see that all imperfect beings are going through different challenges.

3. There is always an opportunity to try something new

If you have not gotten the results you yearn for or you are meeting brick walls here and there, understand that there is the opportunity before you to try something new. Work from a different angle and possibly you will get different results.

4. You have to love yourself

That is what you need to keep on doing: loving yourself and accepting who you are. There is nothing wrong in trying to improve yourself if you have to, however through that process you have to learn to take charge of yourself and appreciate who you are.

5. You have acquired enough

There is no one who exists who hasn’t acquired something, whether in terms of experiences, relationships or growth. You should not always equate your existence to how much money you have in the bank.

6. Life is not fair

There are a lot of things that are out of your control. And these things you cannot do anything about. You simply have to accept things the way they are. Because the truth is that people will get sick and die, politicians will lie and relationships will end. Rather than consuming yourself in the agony you should remember that there are also others coping with the same thoughts and trauma, lean on this and you can all cope with it together.

7. There is more right with you than wrong

There are flaws you have. This is true. But beyond those flaws there are amazing qualities that you possess which are worth taking note of and remembering every now and then.

8. You are unique

You cannot be like every other person. Rather than struggle with the insecurity of trying to be someone else, focus on yourself. You are walking on your own path and you should consider breaking your own borders and becoming the better version of yourself.

9. You have a choice

Nothing is forced upon you. You have a choice. It is either you embrace peace or practice stress. Rather than choosing to be miserable, choose to be peaceful.

10. Failure is not the end, but a learning experience

We all have different perspectives of failure. Some term it as the end and let it break their spirits. But failure offers not only the opportunity to start and try again, failure is a learning experience which can prove useful against future mistakes.

Featured photo credit: via

The post 10 Things To Tell Yourself When You Think You Aren’t Good Enough At All appeared first on Lifehack.

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