Friday 14 August 2015

If You Want Good Things to Happen in Your Life, Read This


We all want to live the best life we possibly can. Some of us feel tied down by our circumstances, and most of us have resigned to the fact that we’ll never be multimillionaires. But that doesn’t mean each of us as individuals can’t make the absolute most out of what we were given. Nothing will ever come to you if you only wish it to be true. If we want to live fulfilled lives, we have to know that we deserve it, then go earn it.

1. Think positive.

Before you can even get yourself motivated to start working toward a goal, you have to begin with a positive mindset. Know that you can accomplish what you’re setting out to do, regardless of how long it takes or how difficult the task is. Remind yourself that you’re doing what you’re doing for a reason. Whether it be a monetary reward, personal growth, or simply to prove to yourself and others you could accomplish the task, begin with the end in mind to keep yourself thinking of where you’re headed, and where you will eventually end up.

2. Treat others well.

We’ve all heard the saying “Nice guys finish last,” and we’ve all seen the stereotypical CEO millionaire who acts like a jerk to everyone around them. But in truth, that CEO probably goes home to a giant mansion that’s either completely empty, or filled with a family he never has time to enjoy. Treating others kindly along your path to success is of utmost importance. You don’t want to get to the top of the mountain and realize you’re the only one there. Make sure to give others a boost on your way to the top, and you’ll find the climb much more enjoyable.

3. Put your all into everything you do.

You’ll never get anywhere by putting anything less than your full effort into all you set out to accomplish. Dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to your goals. In today’s busy and competitive world, not putting forth your best effort can be disastrous. Think of the story of the Tortoise and the Hare: If you stop along your path to success, someone will come from behind and snatch it right away from you. It may be difficult at times to forge ahead, but again, keep the end in mind, and you’ll find the drive you need to keep moving.

4. Keep climbing.

The thing with success is, you’ll only be satisfied for a short period of time after reaching your initial goal. When you finally get there, you’ll realize you want to keep going even farther. Think of Olympic runner Usain Bolt. I’m sure he felt accomplished after setting world record after world record. But he didn’t stop running, and certainly didn’t stop trying to beat his own previous best times. Once you hit your first goal, take stock of what you’ve accomplished, and set the bar even higher. The only limit to the amount of success you can accomplish is the one you set for yourself.

5. Follow your heart and dreams.

If the path you’re on isn’t your own path, you’ll never find success. Don’t just follow in your parents’ footsteps because you think you have to. Don’t take a job that’s meaningless to you and expect meaning to one day come to it. Do what makes you happy. Circumstances may get in the way of you finding the perfect job right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t hone your skills in your free time to make yourself a better candidate for when that position does open up. If your idea of success is raising a loving, caring family, don’t think that working 12 hour days to support them will help; chances are, it will just drag you further away from what you really want. When you figure out what you really want in life, you’ll find ways to make your circumstances work for you, instead of the other way around.

Featured photo credit: Flickr via

The post If You Want Good Things to Happen in Your Life, Read This appeared first on Lifehack.

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