Wednesday 19 August 2015

7 Things Every Man Must Accomplish At Least Once In Their Life


The world is full of unique opportunities, locations and activities that many of us will never even hear of nevermind actually try out. For anyone in this position, the most effective way to changing this problem and making your life a little bit more comfortable would be to get involved with any of the following tasks along the way. All of these tasks are relatively simple but something that would truly enhance your life; you just need to know what you are thinking of trying to make it work out the best for you!

1. Buy a fine suit

I’m personally not a big fan of materialistic thinking or even dressing smart (I live in soccer football shirts and jogging bottoms!) but I always think that having that suit to make yourself look a million bucks is very important for self-confidence. When you don’t feel great about yourself it can be nice to turn to something like this for a little bit of a boost in terms of your overall confidence and your personal self-esteem

2. Leave a life-changing tip for someone

whether it’s a beggar or a waitress, leave them a large tip – as large as you can afford – and don’t wait around for the gratification. It will be nice enough to know that the person could be having an awesome day just on the money that you left them. On those days where you feel like a millionaire, share the wealth with those who just aren’t as fortunate at the moment

3. Go to see a band who you adore perform their last ever show

I personally went to see UK genius Mike Skinner as The Streets for the last ever time. It was a truly exemplary performance and to this day I still listen to this music most days; a truly brilliant artist. I’d recommend that you do the same as the feeling of seeing someone who you appreciate musically for the last time is massive

4. Take a long train trip

We’re talking days and nights length! This is a great way to see the world from a new perspective and make it nice and easy to fully understand the best way to really appreciate the world and everything that it has for us. If you take the time to do this, you’ll really benefit for many years to come as you can recall a truly staggering journey that you aren’t too likely to forget about any time soon! It makes a big difference to have this kind of travel behind you, offering unique insights

5. Produce some creative writing

It might not be something on the “manliest list ever” but if you ever decide to get creative, we suggest that you pen a poem about someone or something that you feel attached to or care about. It makes a big difference to write about something that you are genuinely interested in, making sure that you can get all the help that you need in improving your overall level of experience in life as time goes on. Having a bit of writing experience is great for our self-esteem and our ability to think about life from a differing perspective

6. Take up the chance to coach a sports team, if you are any good at sports

Personally I love soccer, and I love being able to get down with the local team and show the next generation how to think. I’m not good as a player but I know what to do in situations and can pass that knowledge on to the kids – this will help them become better players. Even if you are into something that isn’t sports, if you can find a class of kids learning about it you should try and impart your genuine knowledge onto their futures

7. Commit to trying something crazy and unexpected

whether it’s going away for a month to Africa to help out and see the world from a fresh perspective or even going abroad to try something like Ayahuasca, there are any things that you should consider trying in your life that would be considered “out there”. This is a more personalized choice, but if you can pick one thing in this world that you want to see up-close – whether that’s the Pyramids in Peru or you want to hallucinate with the Witch Doctor’s of the Amazon – and just book the flights to go see it!

Featured photo credit: via

The post 7 Things Every Man Must Accomplish At Least Once In Their Life appeared first on Lifehack.

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