Tuesday 18 August 2015

20 Things A Truly Great Partner Doesn’t Do


Being a great partner means certain characteristics are displayed. A great partner doesn’t do any of these things.

1. They don’t belittle your dreams

Great partners see your success as part of their success. They want you to achieve great things and they will support you on the path you are trying to take.

2. They don’t constantly remind you of your failures

Granted we all make mistakes and fail sometimes. But a great partner does not make a big deal out of your failures or mistakes.

3. They don’t disrespect you in public

Great partners know that you are an integral part of their world. They could scorn you privately but never will they give you a public shaming.

4. They don’t exert control on your world

Great partners offer you the freedom to excel. They are not domineering and they wouldn’t want to twist your arm to always do what they want.

5. They don’t seek vengeance

They do not always find an avenue to pay a tooth for a tooth or an eye for an eye. They would find a way to move on with you rather than seek revenge for every hurt you direct at them.

6. They don’t encroach on your space

Even in a relationship everyone needs his/her space. A great partner will respect that you need your space and there is a life outside the relationship as well.

7. They don’t feel indifferent to your feelings

They are concerned about how you feel and will never abandon you to deal with certain emotional situations alone.

8. The don’t take the superior position

They see you as a partner and do not belittle or consider you inferior. Rather they want you to be part of every decision they make.

9. They don’t disappoint you

If they want you in their world a great partner will be there to keep to his promises and stand up to any responsibility he commits himself to as regards to.

10. They don’t make you feel insecure

They are not threatening or want to impose themselves on you. Rather they complement and make you feel you are part of a team.

11. They don’t constantly disapprove of everything you do

They do not see you as a pain and disapprove of every action you take. If you need some counsel or advice they are willing to offer it to you.

12. They don’t expose every aspect of the relationship to the world

Great partners keep certain things in your relationship private. They understand that the relationship is just between two of you.

13. They don’t treat you like a disposable object

A great partner appreciates you. He/she knows that you are special and keeps you that way. They want to treat you as something they can keep.

14. They don’t think they are always perfect

A great partner knows that he/she will make mistakes and when they do they don’t think they are always right.

15. They don’t always disbelieve you

A great partner trusts you. He knows that you are part of his success and has no reason to continue disbelieving everything you say.

16. They don’t tell you demeaning jokes

Humor can be used as medium of mockery and sarcasm. A great doesn’t humor to abuse you but to make you happy.

17. They don’t blame you for their problems

They don’t see you as a hindrance to their success rather they see you as someone who makes them happy.

18. They don’t become sensitive when you make a joke

When you throw a joke at a great partner they can laugh at them and see the humor in it.

19. They don’t make you feel as if you are not good enough

A great partner knows you are not just good enough for them but great and everything they need.

20. They don’t force you to prove your love

They know that you have the right to show your love and they are not accusing of things to make you feel as if you don’t care.

Featured photo credit: http://www.flickr.com via flickr.com

The post 20 Things A Truly Great Partner Doesn’t Do appeared first on Lifehack.

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