Monday 3 August 2015

15 Reasons Why Your Older Sister Is The Best Gift Your Parents Gave You

15 Reasons Why Your Elder Sister Is The Best Gift From Your Parents

Do you have an older sister? An older sister can be the greatest gift life can give you. From wiping away your tears to teaching you about “grown-up stuff,” it is likely that your older sister made your life much easier – and much, much happier.

Check out 15 reasons why your older sister is the best gift your parents could give you.

1. You always had someone to play with as a child

As a child, you literally never had to play alone – and even though your older sister was too old for Barbies, she would still get her own out and play with you if you asked nicely enough.

2. She taught you about “the birds and the bees”

Your older sister’s worldly wisdom gave you most of the information you have on sex, and it was all pretty accurate. Because of her, you understood all of the innuendos in the family films you watched – although she did also spend a few months trying to convince you that you were adopted. Thanks, sis.

3. She helped you to build your style

She may have laughed at your brown-and-purple-striped leggings when you were a child, but she also gave you some sparkly denim jeans to wear instead. She may have been pretty mean about some of your clothes and accessories as a child, but she helped you to form a fashion sense you’re proud of today.

4. She prepared your parents for you

Your older sister was the first one to stay out late, get a boyfriend, and go to college. Your parents were pretty clingy and strict with her, but she taught them that the best way to go with you was to give you some freedom and trust.

5. She is always honest with you

If you’re dating someone who isn’t good enough for you, or you aren’t achieving your full potential at work, she will be the first person to tell you — and she will probably do it in very blunt terms. You love having someone in your life who cares enough about you to be totally honest with you — even when it is hard to hear.

6. … so she always gives the best fashion advice

Her honesty is particularly useful when it comes fashion. You may both be fully grown adults now, but she is still 100 per cent honest with you about your fashion choices. If your outfit looks bad, she won’t let it go until you get changed. When you look back on the night, you always prefer the option your sister chose.

7. She taught you nearly everything you needed to know

She taught you how to stick up to bullies, how to get over heartbreak, and even how to put your own shoes on. She is the only friend you have who has helped you so much — and you know she will continue to help you for years to come.

8. She is responsible when you’re not

From remembering to buy Christmas presents for your parents to making sure you get home safely when you’ve had too many drinks, you can always count on your older sister to be responsible for the pair of you.

9. She was your personal chauffeur

She may not have been happy about it, but driving you to school and back made your teenage ears much easier — mainly because she didn’t lecture you all the way there, like your parents did.

10. She made high school easier for you

You spent most of your high school years being referred to as “so-and-so’s little sister,” which you found a little annoying at the time. But, now you realize it made high school much easier for you — mostly because all of your friends thought she was sooo cool.

11. She will always let you stay at her apartment

As long as your older sister has a bed, you always have somewhere to sleep. As a child, you used to crawl into her bed when you were scared, and now you crawl into her spare bed when you’ve had too many glasses of wine to go home.

12. She always shares with you

Her toys as a child, her clothes, and even her last slice of pizza — if you ask for some, she will always give it you to, albeit begrudgingly.

13. She is your life guru

If you’re having a career or relationship crisis, your older sister is always the first person you turn to. She cares about you more than anyone else and she understands you better than anyone else, so she always comes up with the best solutions.

14. She is the only person who you can really rant about your family to

If you rant about your family to your friends, they will listen patiently, but they can’t really join in. However, your sister knows exactly how to crack you up by doing an impression of your dad’s drunken dancing.

15. She always supports you

From driving you to job interviews to sponsoring you when you do a charity run, your older sister will always support you — no matter what.

What did you think of this list? Share it with your older sister to see what she thinks!

The post 15 Reasons Why Your Older Sister Is The Best Gift Your Parents Gave You appeared first on Lifehack.

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