Sunday 2 August 2015

10 Things To Remember If You Love A Stubborn Person


It is tough when you are in a relationship with a stubborn person. Even when he/she is a loved one it is so difficult to make them yield or respond to your demands. It is important one can adjust to a better approach in dealing with them so as to get the best out of a relationship with a loved one. The truth is that being stubborn could sometime mean strength and creates some stability and assurance that may not be common in a fickle world. Here are some things to remember if your loved one is stubborn.

1. They will not change their minds at a whim

There is no point in trying to know if they will change their mind since they are resolute and would stick to an opinion, thought or belief for as long as they want. One thing to remember is that stubborn people are comfortable with being whom they are and they are so slow to change since saying Yes is so hard .

2. They face a dilemma when they need to work with others

Working with others could cause some strain because this could mean wanting them to make certain compromises they are not used to. They actually could do well when they are working with other team members who are yielding or understanding. Sometimes offering them the space to accomplish their task alone could be what will work best for them.

3. They find it hard to admit their mistakes

They happen to believe they are always right, technically this may be true. But they wouldn’t always be right. There will be mistakes and sometimes actually things could go south. At such points admitting they were wrong is so hard.

4. They want others to know that they are stubborn

Being stubborn is sort of a trademark for them. They are so happy to let others know how difficult they are as if it was sort of a cool identity to showcase. So don’t be offended or feel uncomfortable if a stubborn person continues to remind you of how stubborn he/she is.

5. They tend to take arguments very passionately

They would take that argument very seriously and make it seem unending. It is more of a circle for them to establish authority or knowledge. Even when they are out rightly wrong they will treat the argument with intensity and passion.

6. They don’t believe they need help

As much as they want to think and act independently, they find it difficult to seek others opinion or assistance on a subject. Even when they know that the other person can render assistance and provide the help that they need, they will prefer to stick it out alone.

7. They have high standards

They don’t really want to settle for anything that is below a certain expectation. There is nothing wrong with having high standards, yet those standards could be a little too high. And this they have to admit and sometimes own up to.

8. They will stick to the one way that they know

They prefer to take the one route they are comfortable with. Although this can be beneficial if it continually leads to success, it is always important to adapt and discover other channels. Moreover the stubborn person may never want to choose the easy approach. It is the hard way or nothing.

9. They find it difficult dealing with other stubborn people

It is more of a case of going around in circles. Nothing really gets done or accomplished when you are around other stubborn people. Even when you understand their stubbornness and they understand yours, it will always be difficult to settle for the other person.

10. They are dogged

The great thing about stubborn people is that they will always go after what they want with everything they have got. They won’t stop, but push on even when the odds are against them. Stubborn people are resolute and they will see their desires to fruition.

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The post 10 Things To Remember If You Love A Stubborn Person appeared first on Lifehack.

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