Wednesday 19 August 2015

10 Small Things I Do Every Night To Improve My Life


Success is holistic. You don’t leave a lot of things to chance. Instead, you constantly look for areas to improve in your life and get better. One of these areas is how you prepare for your day the night before. Improving your mental attitude and energy level the night before gets your morning started on a high. I have been able to do these things and greatly improve my life.

1. Read

Reading something beneficial before bed improves retention. Whether it is a quality book of fiction or non-fiction, I make sure I energize my brain and keep it fueled with a passion for learning. I want to get the best out of one of the most vital organs of my body, so I take reading before going to bed pretty seriously. By reading, I have become more informed and more alert the next day. Plus, reading a book eases me into a decent nice sleep.

2. Write

Writing sort of heals my soul. Every post I write has to be done right. I understand that keeping a consistent schedule with my writing makes me a better writer. I write every night to keep the flame of writing burning.

3. Reflect on the day

At night, I finally have the time to score myself on my activities for the day. Did I do great? Where are my lapses? No matter how the day went, I focus on the good and dump the negatives. I keep a journal of appreciation to know what good I have benefited through the day. This reminds me of the many positives in my life whenever I am going through a challenging period.

4. Plan

What is the next day going to be like? What do I need to accomplish and get going? There is always more to be done. Sometimes writing a to-do-list helps me get organized and prepared for the next day’s activity.

5. Appreciate the loved ones in my life

I appreciate those persons who are closest to me — my family. I tend to take time out to listen and find out what is going on in their lives. Doing this has helped me to stay balanced with my work and personal life.

6. Eat healthy

I know to achieve optimum performance I have to eat healthy and maintain a pretty decent diet. I drink lots of water, as well as take in lots of vitamins and proteins to get me energized for the following day.

7. Disconnect from work

I tend to stop everything that has to do with work right before I go to bed. I disconnect. No more emails or things that challenge me mentally or get me anxious for the next day. By disconnecting, I can spend time and appreciate my space better.

8. Picture the success of tomorrow

I try to visualize and keep a mental picture of what my tomorrow will be like. I try to be positive and have a picture that paints optimism, success, and purpose. Visually peering into your next day’s success gives the right mental flow to push in for success.

9. Relax

Relaxation could mean listening to my favorite music or engaging in an interesting conversation with my significant other. By relaxing, I can calm my nerves and excite my brain with something humorous and fun. Who doesn’t need to relax before ending the night?

10. Go to bed early

Many successful people do this. Going to bed early will certainly get your day started early. It also makes you happier and less inclined to worry or get consumed by negative thoughts. After all is said and done, you need a full night’s rest to attain better performance. By going to bed early I have been able to do wonders for my stress level, productivity, performance, and my mood. I also have myself programmed for attacking the next day’s activity early.

Featured photo credit: via

The post 10 Small Things I Do Every Night To Improve My Life appeared first on Lifehack.

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