Tuesday 30 June 2015

A Special Offer from Blinkist

As you might know, I’m a fan of Blinkist. I find it to be a good way to learn more in less time.

In case you aren’t familiar with it, Blinkist is a service that gives you key insights from nonfiction books so that you don’t need to read entire books. Instead of spending days on a book, you just need to spend around 15 minutes. As a result, you can learn from a lot more books in the same amount of time.

Blinkist has an app available for iOS and Android (in addition to its website), so you can read the content on your favorite device.

The good news is, there is now a special offer for Life Optimizer readers: you can subscribe to the service for 50% off! However, there are only 100 spots available. Since Life Optimizer has over 24,000 subscribers, you might need to be quick.

I believe it’s a good opportunity for you to invest in your self-education. After all, I paid the full price for my subscription. :)

Click here to get the special offer (don’t worry, you won’t be charged right away). I’m sure you will find the resource useful.

The 5 Steps You Must Follow To Finally Make Money With Your Blog

make money with your blog

make money with your blog

If you're a blogger, you're probably interested in making money.

But search online for how to monetize your blog and you're given the same, tired advice everywhere: place ads on your site, use lots of affiliate links, look for sponsors.

While those methods might still work, they're usually a gigantic waste of time for beginning bloggers -- requiring you to aggressively promote other brands for little payoff.

There's a better way: creating your own product.

I started with a completely unknown blog that made no money (unless you count the pennies I made with Adsense) to making just under $500 during the prelaunch of my very first product.

If I can do it, you can too.

Here are five steps you must follow to finally start making money with your blog:

Step #1: Create value consistently (and for free).

If you can't earn people's trust, you certainly won't earn their money. The essential first step to having a profitable blog is creating value content for free.

Some bloggers skimp on the quality of their free posts and save the best material for people who will pay. This is wrong.

Make every post value-packed. Go out of your way to provide content that will completely wow your readers.




Do whatever it takes to make them want to return to your blog and tell their friends about you. Don't worry about the creative well running dry. If you cared enough about a topic to dedicate a whole blog to it, there's plenty more where those ideas from.

Since my blog is about helping people pursue their passion in life, I took my experience as a career counselor and psychotherapist and condensed it into an 11-page illustrated PDF called Stop Dreaming and Start Doing: How to Actually Do What You Loveand gave it away on my site for free. People still write to tell me how much they enjoyed reading the guide.

Step #2: Stop talking to an empty room.

Most bloggers never gain traction with their ideas -- not because they don't have anything worth talking about -- but because their message isn't reaching enough people. In other words, they're talking to an empty room.

I learned this the hard way. The first few blogs I started never got more than a hundred visitors a day because I was so intent on getting the word out there on my own. It wasn't until I started leveraging bigger, well-known sites that my blog garnered more attention and took off.

The best way to leverage the popularity of other sites is to write for them. Look for well-known blogs in your niche and pitch an article that would bring tremendous value to their readers.

When you do this properly, you'll earn new fans and followers who want to know more about you and your platform. This happened to me when I decided to pitch an article to The Huffington Post last summer. Within 48 hours, my pitch was accepted and my post was featured on the site. After successfully writing a few more articles for them, I was given contributor access. The exposure I got from writing for them brought hundreds of new subscribers to my own my blog as a result.

Step #3: Partner up with the right people.

Search sites like Bloglovin' or Blog Search Engine to find other bloggers in your niche. What things are they doing or writing about that you admire? Find commonalities that you share with the person and then reach out to them on Twitter. Link to a specific article of theirs and list something specific you enjoyed about it, then suggest collaborating sometime in the future.

The key is to be authentic. People can sense from a mile away if you're just looking to use them as a means to an end. Be genuine with your intentions to work together and seek to provide value for both of your audiences.

Step #4 Create a community.

Speaking to your audience through your blog is one thing, but most experts recommend having an email list so you can message them personally.

But there's an even better way to engage with your readers: Facebook.

Don't worry, I'm not suggesting you send Facebook friend requests to all of your followers. Instead, create a Facebook group of your blog/brand and invite your followers to interact with you there.

Sure, not all of your followers will have Facebook, but most will. Not only is it more personal than email, but followers can meet and engage with one another. This builds a sense of community while also taking the pressure off you to facilitate every discussion.

I grew the People Passionate Facebook community to several hundred people in just a few months simply by asking my email subscribers to join.

In the group, I kept up with everyone by asking them what things they were working on and what they most needed help with. This encouraged others to participate in discussion and also gave me a much better understanding of my followers' biggest challenges.

#5: Create a product.

Once you've followed all of these steps, you're ready to make money with your blog.

By this point, you've established to your community that you're not some random internet marketer who's just out for their money. You've earned their trust and they believe in what you have to offer -- many of them will be more than willing to pay for you for a resource you've taken the time to create.

As far as what product you can offer, it can be anything -- a video tutorial, an ebook, an online course, even coaching services. The beauty of having a Facebook community is it allows you to validate your idea for a product or service before you even begin creating it -- all you have to do is ask if it's something they'd be interested in buying.

I noticed that my Facebook group had a lot of aspiring bloggers who wanted to know how to grow their blogs and write for influential sites like The Huffington Post. So I asked if they'd be interested if I were to create an email course that outlined the entire process -- from buying a domain to growing traffic to monetizing their platform. Thirty two people said they'd be interested in the course if I created it.

That was all the validation I needed.

I spent three weeks writing and refining the course. During my prelaunch sale, I sold eight copies, netting me a few hundred dollars profit on my very first product.

Final Thoughts

Profiting from your blog means thinking about the long-term. Aim to provide value in everything you do for your audience. Build a community that appreciates your work, survey your followers on the things they need help with the most, then use their feedback to create a resource that addresses their needs.

When you focus on finding products for your customers, and not vice versa, you give yourself the opportunity to finally make money doing what you love.

Kevin is the founder of People Passionate – a blog dedicated to helping others pursue their creative ideas. Check out his blogging course that teaches you how to grow a successful blog: The Blogging Roadmap.

Connect with him on Twitter @ppl_passionate.

The post The 5 Steps You Must Follow To Finally Make Money With Your Blog appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

How A VW Throttle Body Failed with VAG-COM Demo ~ Video

Today we are looking at more failed Volkswagen and Audi parts. This part is not the most common failing part, but they do fail. In addition to the normal flow of a failed parts video, I have added some basic Vag-Com diagnostic DIY. These failures can occur on just about any generation of Volkswagen or...

7 Mistakes People Make When Exploring Their Passions

7 Mistakes People Make When Exploring Their Passions

how to follow your passion

Does this sound familiar?

You like doing certain things but nothing you’re passionate about.

You feel as if you’re missing out on that feeling. You know, the one that makes you jump out of bed in the morning, lights you up, and makes you feel as if you aren’t working, even when you are?

Yet the last thing you want to do is live an unfulfilled, passionless life. A life where you hate your work, take the stress of a crappy job home with you each day, and bide your time until you can retire and be free of the monotony.

But the question remains:

What is your passion?

What is that one thing you could talk about for days and not get sick of?

Well, you may be making a few mistakes in exploring this question. And once you start looking at passions in a different light, you might just realize that you have plenty of them.

Avoid the following seven mistakes when trying to find your passions:

Assuming Passions are Reserved for Experts

Who comes to mind when you think of somebody who has a passionate career?

If you’re a sports fan, maybe you think of a professional athlete.

If you're a literature buff, maybe you think of a great writer.

If you’re a tech nerd, maybe you think of Steve Jobs.

My point is, we tend to immediately think of people who are really, really good at what they do.

It’s true that we’re more likely to enjoy doing something we’re good at, but nobody is born an expert at something, so don’t write off the interests that excite you even if you’re a novice.

If you are searching for a passion that you're an expert in, you may be searching for a long while.

Instead, commit to becoming an expert once you do find your passion.

2. Overlooking Your Biggest Fans

Real quick: name one of your best friend’s passions.

If you’re anything like me, that was fairly easy for you. Your friend may never have told you that the thing you named was her passion, but you just knew.

Yet it’s difficult to pinpoint our own.

One huge mistake you may be making as you search for your passions is overlooking your biggest fans - the people who know and love you.

If you can't pinpoint what you are passionate about, ask your family and friends what they think your passions are. What seems to light you up?

Sometimes, we can't see the forest for the trees, but our friends and family members can see us more clearly.

3. Thinking of Passion as a Verb

When you think of a passion, what do you think of?

You probably think of somebody who is passionate about something active, like painting or sports.

This is a mistake. When you’re searching for your passion to pursue work you love, you tend to get stuck on the idea that your passion has to be something that you do, rather than something you believe in, so knitting or playing hockey or painting come to mind.

This may be because we want the "find and do work we love" portion to be easy. We want to say, "I love knitting, so I knit." Or this may be because our society most often relates passion to a hobby.

Yet most of us are more likely to be passionate about a set of ideas. Gender equality, media, religion, and whole foods can be passions too.

Your passion doesn’t have to be something you do. It can be something you believe in.

4. Believing That Passions Last a Lifetime

Close your eyes and picture yourself ten years ago.

How much have you changed between then and now? How much have you grown and evolved?

Chances are, you’re not the same person as you were back then. Yet we tend to expect that we’ll stick with the same passions throughout our entire lives.

We humans are fluid and ever-changing, and the notion that our passions are something we are passionate about for life is misguided.

Don't become too confused if you remember having a passion for cooking a few years ago, but you just don't feel the same about it now.

You might be wondering how your changing passions fit into finding and doing work you love.

Seth Godin proposes that our careers are a series of projects, rather than a 40-year stretch on the same path.

You're allowed to fall out of love with your passion, and once you start doing work you love, you can pivot to maintain that rumble in your tummy for your career.

5. Rejecting Passions Because They Seem Frivolous

When I started exploring my passions, I came up against a wall.

I knew I was passionate about gender equality and nutrition because I loved to talk about these subjects. But what really excited me was lifestyle design through online entrepreneurship. I was obsessed with inspiring friends and family to start something.

Initially, though, I rejected this passion as frivolous. Next to gender equality, how could I pursue something like lifestyle design?

I tried to dig into more pressing issues, but I couldn’t keep my mind off of the concept of lifestyle design. Little did I know I was committing this silly mistake.

We want to be the type of people who pursue passions that could change the world. We’re good people, so we want to pursue passions around social causes.

And you probably are passionate about a certain social cause. But a less philanthropic passion is just as worthy, and just as you can't pick your family, you can't choose what lights that fire for you.

Don’t reject your passions because they don’t conform to a set of standards you’ve set.

6. Expecting Too Much from Passions

You have a specific idea of what a passion does.

Books, articles, and speeches by passionate people teach us that passions make our hearts beat faster, get us up in the morning, and consume us completely.

So you want your passions to motivate you and drive you to the finish line.

But sometimes, your passion is just something that quietly tugs at you.

We overlook passions that don't work overtime for us because we expect too much from them.

We expect them to make us feel excited every second of the day, but sometimes your passions are things that you simply feel at ease with when you’re talking about or doing them.

7. Discounting Your Personality

Have you ever looked at somebody who was clearly so fired up about something and wondered whether you’ll ever feel the same way?

I know I have. And the answer is that you probably won’t ever feel the same way as that person.

Why? Well, because you are not that person!

You may have passions but never recognize them as passions because, in comparison to others, you just don't get as excited about them.

We have the tendency to compare ourselves to others in almost everything, but especially people who are front and center.

We think that to be passionate about writing, we have to be like Maya Angelou. To be passionate about marketing, we have to get as excited as Derek Halpern clearly does.

When you compare yourself to others and write off your passion because you are not like them, you are disqualifying your personality.

Those people who get fired up are just gregarious people. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not.

Go Grab Your Passions by The Horns

When you’re trying to find and pursue your passions, you can easily drown in a sea of voices louder than your own about what passion should look like.

But once you stop making these mistakes and start embracing what you love, you can start redefining what passion should look like to you.

And once you do that?

There’s no stopping you from finding and living your passions, every ... single ... day.

Sarah Peterson is the author of Unsettle.org, where she encourages people to never settle for careers they don’t love. Sign up for her free course to find the perfect idea for a lifestyle business so you can gain flexibility and freedom and do work you love.

The post 7 Mistakes People Make When Exploring Their Passions appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

Monday 29 June 2015

10 Incredible Benefits of Bananas for Your Health and Beauty

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You might snack on bananas for breakfast or on your way to a meeting because you know that they’re good for you. But bananas have loads more to offer you than just lowering your blood pressure and keeping your energy intact. Here are surprising things bananas can do for you.

1. They tenderize your meat dish.

Some tropical countries use banana leaves to wrap meat when it’s cooking so that it turns out nice and soft. But you can also use the actual banana during this process. Is your banana not ripe yet? No worries! You can still cook it with your meat. Not only is this a great way to make use of those green bananas in your fruit rack, but they’re also a great source of vitamins and fiber.

2. They give you gorgeous hair.

If you want to skip the chemicals that are found in store-bought hair products, make a banana hair mask. Bananas are great for your hair because they’re packed with nutrients that your hair needs to be healthy, such as B-vitamins and folate. When you add other hair-nourishing foods to them, you amplify the smoothing results. All you need for this recipe is a banana, whole milk and honey. After blending the ingredients, sit with it on your hair for about 20 minutes. The bonus? You can totally drink the rest of the mixture.

3. They make you glow.

Bananas are an easy way to make your face glow. Just mash one and apply it to your face. Sit with it for 15 minutes then wash it off with cool water. Bananas are natural skin lighteners because they’ve got Vitamin A that erases discoloration and Vitamin E that provides protection against free radicals. Use bananas all over if you want to get rid of any discoloration before a special event like your wedding so that your gorgeous bridal jewelry will look even more radiant on you.

4. They provide you with probiotics.

Probiotics are essential to consume because they balance the bacteria in your gut, which prevents the overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria that leads to inflammation all over the body. Bananas are a natural source of probiotics because they contain fructooligosaccharides (FOS) that encourage healthy bacteria to flourish.

5. They zap anxiety.

Bananas are rich in potassium, which isn’t only good for lowering your blood pressure. This nutrient also helps to decrease stress levels and boost your mental performance. This is because it regulates stress hormones such as cortisol in the body. Now that’s a good reason to snack on a banana before your stressful work conference.

6. They boost your weight loss.

Bananas can help you lose weight because they’re a great substitute for high-calorie snacks. Since they’re sweet, bananas will satisfy your sugar cravings without the calories. One medium-sized banana only contains 105 calories. Added to this, bananas also rev up your metabolic rate because they contain chromium, a mineral that helps your body burn more calories.

7. They make you work out harder.

You might not realize that your body needs Vitamin C to ensure a more powerful gym session. This is because it makes your muscles, ligaments, and tendons stronger. Bananas are high in Vitamin C. Along with how bananas boost your energy, this makes them a great pre-workout snack.

8. They nourish your feet.

If you have cracked heels, banana can help to smooth your skin because it has moisturizing properties. Mash up the pulp of one banana and apply it to your dry feet. Sit with it for a while so that you give it a chance to be absorbed into your skin. Now you can wear those summer sandals with pride.

9. They deliver you to dreamland.

Forget counting sheep when you can’t get to sleep—eat bananas! They’re a good source of tryptophan, an amino acid that contributes to the production of serotonin in the brain. This hormone is a natural sedative, while it also busts a bad mood. Bite into a banana about an hour or so before bedtime so that your body can digest it and allow tryptophan to score you some Zzzzs.

10. They send migraines away.

The terrible pain of headaches and migraines can turn your day sour, but bananas are a food that can fight and prevent them. The reason for this is that they’re a good source of magnesium. The next time you feel a headache coming on, reach for a nutrient-packed banana.

Buy more bananas during your next trip to the grocery store and make use of all these interesting ways that they can heal you.

Featured photo credit: Personal Creations via Flickr via flickr.com

The post 10 Incredible Benefits of Bananas for Your Health and Beauty appeared first on Lifehack.

The 3 Best Reasons To Have A Snack

The 3 Best Reasons To Have a Snack

benefits of snacking

To snack or not to snack, that is the question? For years the great debate over how to get a hold over our health has raged on - 3 big square meals? 5-6 smaller meals through out the day?

As someone who has a profound interest in both personal and general health, I have read hundreds of articles on the best ways to feel your best, but in the end, I can only really speak to my personal experience on the matter.

For me, without a question, healthy snacking is not only the more enjoyable route to go, but one of necessity. Why? Because when I really analyzed how I felt (big meals vs. small, incorporating healthy snacks) I noticed 3 really big changes for the better.

Here they are:

1. Better Weight Balance

They say 70-75% of weight loss is a result of diet (the rest exercise) - so what and how you eat are obviously crucial to maintaining a healthy weight. When I eat large meals, 2 things happen: Firstly, I feel super full - like uncomfortably full, and then a couple of hours later my blood sugar really starts to drop - taking with it, my energy. Either mid-morning or mid-afternoon healthy snacks are a great way to temper your hunger and have consistent energy throughout the day. The keys to this plan are: making sure your bigger meals of the day aren’t huge (and are packed with nutrition) and planning in advance for the snacks you’ll eat. Waiting until you’re hungry to make this decision makes bad choices a lot more common. So plan ahead to find the balance you need!

is snacking healthy

2. Stops the impulse eating

To add to the last point above, the choices we make when we’re hungry are not necessarily the best choices. Making sure you never hit the ’I’m starving!’ phase is crucial to making the right call. Think about it: ever gone to the grocery store when you’re famished? I have and by the end my shopping cart feels like a bin of junk. Here’s where healthy snacking comes in. Having a healthy snack one or a couple of times of day allows you to maintain your energy levels and control - and once you’ve got your cravings in check, you’ve got a lot more power on your side.

3. Boosts your productivity & your mood

Throughout a busy day, heavy meals (filled with carbs, fats & sugars), stress and rushing around mess with your energy levels and can really run you down. Choosing smaller sensible meals (think: lean proteins, whole grains & veggies) combined with healthy mid-day pick-me-ups in the form of healthy snacks (containing good fats - think nuts, dried fruits etc) create slow burning fuel that help give you energy throughout the day - eliminating the peak and dips that unhealthy choices create. This not only boosts your mood - more energy/less sleepy but allows you to operate at your fullest potential and get stuff done!

So how do I stay snacking?

snack delivery service

As mentioned, one of the keys to getting your diet right is PLANNING. A couple of months ago I discovered NatureBox - a snack subscription service that delivers, to my doorstep, incredible tasting and satisfying snacks of all varieties. Not only do I get to discover a whole new world of great food - totally nutritionist approved! - but incorporating this element into my world has dramatically helped me increase my energy while working on my health at the same time. With over 100 snacks from healthy to indulgent, there is something for everyone to get your snacking started!


1. Join NatureBox today and get a FREE sample box of some of their most loved snacks! Click here to get started!

Free trial is available for new and US and Canadian subscribers only. Not valid on gift subscriptions and may not be combined with any other offers.

2. TWO winners will each win a free 6-month subscription to NatureBox. Enter the giveaway by clicking here to browse what snacks NatureBox has to offer, and then leave a comment below, letting me know what snack you’d like to try. Please leave an email address so we can contact the winners!

(Open to US and Canada readers only. Must have a US or Canadian shipping address. Contest open for a week)

a better way to snack

*Post sponsored by NatureBox*

The post The 3 Best Reasons To Have A Snack appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

6 Diabetic-Friendly Snacks for Eating on the Go


Diabetes is on the rise today, with the Centers for Disease Control estimating that 1 in 10 adults in the United States are living with the disease. However, just because you have diabetes doesn’t mean you have to give up one of life’s little pleasures – snacking. What you do need to do is make the right choices when it comes to what snacks you do eat.

The following recipes will help you choose the right snacks that will fill you up while also helping you keep your blood sugar levels under control.

1. Trail Mix

While you can buy trail mix in your local store, it is often bland and, not to mention, expensive. You can spice things up if you make your very own trail mix right at home. To make things even better, you will save money along the way.

  • 1 cup roasted peanuts
  • 1 cup raw or roasted almonds
  • 1 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 2 oz unsweetened coconut
  • ½ cup raisins

Just mix them together and you have a tasty snack that is filling and diabetic-friendly. If you want to spice things up a bit, try adding sunflower seeds or walnuts.

2. Fruit and Cheese

Mixing fresh fruit and cheese is truly a snack that anyone, especially diabetics, can easily enjoy on the go. There are several types of fruits that you can use, including:

  • Apples
  • ¾ Cup Blueberries
  • Oranges
  • 4 oz. Grapes

For your cheese, try using:

  • 1 oz. of Cheddar Cheese
  • 1 oz. Of Colby Jack
  • Part skim Mozzarella String Cheese

Mix it up for real variety or stick with one of each kind, if that’s what your tastes prefer. No matter what, you will find that the combination of fruit and cheese is a match made in heaven and will satisfy your hunger when you just don’t have time to sit down and eat.

3. Popcorn

You can never go wrong with freshly popped light popcorn. If you don’t have time to pop it, you can always buy it at the store. Typically, the serving size for popcorn is about 3 cups, assuming you don’t load it down with many different seasonings. This treat will give you something substantial to munch on to cure those hunger cravings while still being safe to eat.

4. Crackers

The next time you head to the grocery store, pick up a box of your favorite crackers. They come in a wide assortment of flavors perfect for any taste and they make a fantastic snack for the diabetic on the go. When buying crackers, be sure you pay attention to the serving size on the back of the box to make sure you don’t go overboard with your snack. Typically, you will want to aim for about 6 crackers to be sure you keep your sodium and carbohydrate levels in check at about 120-130 mg of sodium and 20 grams of carbohydrates.

5. Kale Chips

Chips no longer means fried potatoes. Today, there is a huge assortment of different types of chips, and some are more healthy than others. For a truly healthy and tasty treat, try baking some kale chips at home. Simply add a little olive oil on top of fresh kale along with whatever seasoning you deem necessary and bake them in the oven on a baking sheet.

Allow them to bake until the kale becomes crisp, and you will have a great tasting treat that you can crunch on whenever you get the urge for a snack. Kale chips are much healthier than traditional chips and don’t have the added starch of potato chips, making them the perfect snack for diabetics.

6. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt has become quite popular in recent years because it is a great source of protein and calcium. Today, you can find Greek yogurt in a variety of flavors in your local grocery store alongside traditional yogurt. However, it is much better for you than regular yogurt and contains much fewer carbohydrates per serving. If you want, you can always just buy vanilla yogurt and add a little fresh fruit to it as well, although this will increase your carb intake, so you must be careful. No matter what, Greek yogurt can be a very healthy and safe treat for any diabetic looking for something a little sweet.

If you suffer from diabetes, it is important to remember that you don’t have to give up on snacking. You just have to make the right decisions with your snack choices so you can keep your blood sugar in check while also getting the food you need to to stay satisfied. These snacks will help you do just that by giving you a tasty treat that is good for you and your blood sugar.

The post 6 Diabetic-Friendly Snacks for Eating on the Go appeared first on Lifehack.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think,…

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.

The post Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think,… appeared first on Lifehack.

Why Your Office Design Truly Matters

office design

Office design is very much a personal preference, but a preference many of us do not have control over. Unless you’re are a manager of an office, you will be limited in how much power you have to change up the office dynamic.

It’s surprising just how much impact the office design can have over your overall happiness and work performance. The office design may be so important to some people that they may even leave their job in order to find work where their office design is more suited to them.

From the small confined office cubicles of old, to the telecommuting world of the modern day, we look at the pros and cons of the most popular office designs around.

Office Design Wars

Featured photo credit: Mac / Financial Times photos via imcreator.com

The post Why Your Office Design Truly Matters appeared first on Lifehack.

3 Proven Ways To Succeed At Work Today

Pointing at button

When I began my career as a letter carrier, I knew that was my entryway into the federal workforce. But I also knew that IT was not my final destination. If I wanted to advance in my career, I had to do what my co-workers were not willing to do. So I volunteered for extra work assignments, helped my supervisors with their workload, and whenever I saw a void, I quickly filled it. In less than three years, I was supervising the very office that I had started out in as a letter carrier. And not only that, I had the respect and cooperation of every employee in the building because they saw my strong work ethic.

Do you want to advance in your chosen career field? If so, then take the following examples as a lesson.

1. Look for ways to add value.

In his book, Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success, author Adam Grant shows that those who give in business are the ones that get ahead. When you proactively seek out ways to add value for others, you set yourself up to receive what you want in the future.

Venture capitalist David Hornik, profiled in Grant’s book, gives entrepreneurs a chance to present ideas to him. If he’s intrigued, he backs the deal with his own money. He also gives in other ways. He openly shares information on his blog and even responds to emails from complete strangers. That’s how I was able to interview him. Hornik believes that success comes when you routinely pay attention to the needs of other people and find a way to fulfill that need. As Albert Einstein once said, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” When you strive to be of value, your success is sure to follow. Who can you add value to in your company?

Action Item: Set an alarm on your cell-phone and block out 15-20 minutes once a week to jot down new ideas you can begin implementing at your workplace that will help add value to your employer.

2. Give with no expectation to receive.

I recently subscribed to the email list of Selena Soo. She is a publicity and business coach. In a case study she sent me, she mentions that she went from $0 to $157,000 in her first year as a coach. How you might ask? She did it by giving. That was a game-changer for her. When she realized giving with no expectation of return was the way to ethically get ahead, she did just that. She shares how she helped New York Times Best-Seller Ramit Sethi. He asked her for some feedback on his new website, and instead of just saying she liked version A or B, she dissected his website with some friends and sent him a detailed report with her feedback. She didn’t have to do this, but she did. She gave him more than what he asked for and was able to stand out. When she needed his assistance in the future, he was more than happy to help.

What can you take away from Soo’s example? At your place of employment, how can you give more? How can you do more of what is expected of you? What would you want someone to do for you? Why not do that for someone at your job, whether it’s a co-worker or your boss?

Action Item: Get into the habit of skimming a lot of publications. Bookmark articles of interest and send the articles to key people in your organization with an email saying: “FYI, thought this might interest you.”

3. Focus on helping others succeed.

The 2015 Dream Project Symposium is the brainchild of CEO Teneshia Jackson Warner. This is not just your ordinary business conference, but a symposium for all individuals who dare to dream bigger for their lives and businesses. I had the opportunity to interview Warner, and she made one bold move that can help anyone be successful in their job.

“One day while at a conference, I bumped into Russel Simmons,” Warner said. “I knew this was my opportunity, so I pitched myself to him and told him I wanted to volunteer to work for him in exchange for an opportunity to learn from him. He gave me his fax number, when faxes were in vogue, and for 30 days straight, I faxed him my resume.” It worked. She eventually began working for Simmons as a volunteer and gained valuable experience that led to her starting her own business.

Did you happen to catch what Warner did that helped her to succeed? She volunteered. She discovered that you have to give first in order to get. One of my favorite quotes is by Zig Ziglar, which says, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” When you help others succeed by volunteering to help them, you will be remembered by them. After Warner helped Simmons for free, wouldn’t you know that he became her very first client? How can this help you in your career? Who could you help? What could you volunteer to do?

Action Item: Identify who you can help in your job. Research what they need help with. Make a list of how you can add value. Do it. Rinse and repeat. Remember, it can be as simple as forwarding an article that interests them, saying thank you, or congratulating them on a job well done.

Featured photo credit: Steve Wilson via flickr.com

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