Thursday 24 March 2016

The Importance of WELLth not Wealth: A Review

The Importance of WELLth Not Wealth: A Review

best happiness tips


‘If you put off everything until you’re sure of it, you’ll never get anything done.’ - Norman Vincent Peale


In his new book, WELLth: How I Learned To Build A Life, Not A Résumé, Jason Wachob, the visionary founder of - one of my favorite sites on the web - has outlined a new mantra for living well. Focused on both simplicity and intuition, Wachob, relies on personal stories - the successes and the failures, breaking down his version of wellness into 13 (on purpose?) different words/chapters:

Eat. Move. Work. Believe. Explore. Breathe. Connect. Love. Heal. Thank. Ground. Live. Laugh.


‘You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.’ Cormac McCarthy, No Country For Old Men


Stripping his life back to the basics after a couple of monumental ‘failures’ (though he now, accordingly, views them as blessings), we are guided to re-examine how we view the nuts and bolts of a life worth living, in it’s simplest form.

Wachob draws not only from his personal repertoire of stories but from the deep pool of expert voices he’s amassed over the years through MBG to lend extra credibility and actionable items for each of his fundamentals. Highlights include thoughtful musings on physical wellbeing from Yoga Guru, Kathryn Budig, as well as great relationship advice from the Dr. Sue Johnson.

Packaged between thoughtful, inspirational and empowering quotes, (like the one’s peppered throughout this article) when I turned the last page of WELLth, I felt like I had just been to a mini-retreat (didn’t hurt that I was actually reading the book over a weekend in Ojai!) - and was eager to add my own voice to the definition of what WELLth really meant to me.

In addition to his very compelling list, all of which I agree with - and am now more cognizant of, I would add two components: Act. Give.


‘Courage is not something that you already have, that makes you brave when the tough times start. Courage is what you earn when you’ve been through the tough times and you discover they are not so tough, after all.’ - Malcolm Gladwell



For me a lot of stripping your life back to the bare bones is a scary endeavor - that involves a lot of fear and either past or current anxiety. In my opinion the hardest thing to do is be simple. So much of life’s dressing is a subconscious attempt to cover yourself (your unknown beauty and your faults) up - to distract people from the real you. So even when there are the best intentions to live simply and understand what that means- people get caught up in the theoretical - locked in your head, over intellectualizing how to perfectly go about being simple. In my opinion - and you’ve heard me say it a lot, the best way to make a change (even if it’s stripping things back) is to take action or Act. So my definition of WELLth would definitely include a component of doing something daily or weekly that moves you towards simplicity - I’m talking about bold steps -something that frightens you. It’s the fastest way, at least in my experience, to get going in the right direction.


It may sound cliche - but if you want to feel truly healthy, and like you really do have a purpose and power in this life, help someone else. I don’t mean do somebody else’s work for them and I certainly don’t mean give with the intention of getting something (physically or emotionally) in return. I mean GIVE. Simple acts of kindness are truly what make life worth living - a real tenant of the WELLth that I think Jason talks about in his book.

What is YOUR definition of WELLth?? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

To get inspired to change your life for the better, check out more of Jason’s sage advice in WELLth: How I Learned to Build a Life, Not a Résumé!

WELLth mindbodygreen

*This is a sponsored post with Harmony Books

Erin is the Editor in Chief & Co-Owner of PickTheBrain.

The post The Importance of WELLth not Wealth: A Review appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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