Tuesday 29 March 2016

10 Steps to Living an Amazingly Wonderful Life

You're reading 10 Steps to Living an Amazingly Wonderful Life, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

10 Steps To Living An Amazingly Wonderful Life

how to live an amazing life

If given the chance, I'm sure all of us would want to live a wonderful, amazing life, right? Yet, many of us have no clue where to even begin.

It can be overwhelming to admit to ourselves that we are not living our ideal life, and that's okay. Most of us have something in our lives we'd like to change, but the key to actually changing it doesn't have to be some big astronomical maneuver.

Instead, real change starts with tiny, baby steps. So, if you'd like to live an amazingly wonderful life, here are 10 small steps you can start now:

  1. Stay Positive

No matter what happens in your life, the more you stay positive, the easier it will be to not only bounce back from life's struggles, but the more you'll genuinely be happy. And at the end of the day, isn't that what we all are searching for?

So before you start with the negativity, think “Will this thought make me happier?” If not, change it to a more positive one! Stay positive J.

  1. Take Action

Although it's good to remain positive and think good thoughts, that can only go so far without action. If we truly ever want to change our lives, we must have a plan, no matter how big or small, and ACT on it. If there's something you've been meaning to do or say to someone, do it. The more action we take, the more momentum our lives will gain. Take action!

  1. Respect Yourself

You are never going to have a wonderful life unless you truly respect who you are as a person. Remind yourself of all the reasons you are a wonderful person and deserve your own respect. If it doesn't come easy, either you're still in a negative mindset, or you've got big changes you need to make in your life. It all beings with respecting yourself.

  1. Be Grateful

It's easy to get wrapped up in your life and see all of the things you don't have, but the truth is, if you're reading this article right now, that means you've got many privileges most of the world doesn't. So when you find yourself frustrated about something you're lacking, make a list of everything in your life you do have. Whether people or things, you've got a lot that's taking care of you right now. Be grateful.

  1. Seek & Create Opportunities

The world is a magnificently big and wonderful place, and because it's so big, that means there are countless opportunities waiting for you. So, get off your couch, write down things you want in your life, and go find them. And, hey, if you can't find exactly what you're looking for, try using your creativity and create what you want! Seek & Create opportunities!

  1. Forgive

The more we hold onto past grudges, the more we continue to hate, the more we suffer. We place a burden on ourselves more than anyone else and in the end, we only end up hurting ourselves. Take time to understand why you won't forgive someone or yourself and then after a while, decide that the pain isn't worth it. It's time for you to heal, so accept what happened, move on and forgive. You are ready for a new, beautiful life. So forgive.

  1. Be Honest

It's often hard to stay honest in a world that basically forces you to lie to them. Many people don't want to hear the truth; they simply want to hear their opinions reflected back onto them. Those people aren't for you. Surround yourself with people you can be honest around, and most importantly, have the courage to be honest with yourself. Be honest.

  1. Stay True to Yourself

No matter what comes your way, the minute we lose who we are is the minute we miss out on our lives. If you're struggling with a life that doesn't fit what you had in mind, that's okay. We've all been there. Take some time away from others and remind yourself of what it is you truly want and what really makes you happy. Stop thinking, start feeling. Listen to your heart and stay true to yourself.

  1. Let Go

If you're constantly thinking like I am, perhaps it's time to stop overanalyzing every situation, stop considering every viable option. Stop obsessing over the future and what you need to do in your life. Instead, just take some time and LET GO. Let go of the need to know everything. And take pleasure in the fact that no one has everything figured out. And try to begin to just enjoy the journey. Let go.

  1. Love

Whatever you do, wherever you go, you must remember to bring with you love from within. If you forget everything above and remember one thing, let it be to love. The world will try to make you hard and make you forget what life is truly about, but the more you love yourself and others, the more your purpose in life will be revealed to you. Oh and a little happiness sprinkled in. Okay, maybe a lot!

Ready to live the wonderful life you've always dreamed of? Check out Jenn Hudak's free e-book,7 Ways to Live the Life of Your Dreams. She is the writer and owner of Thisisforthedreamers.com, a blog focused on motivating and inspiring you to improve your life and live your dreams now!

You've read 10 Steps to Living an Amazingly Wonderful Life, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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