Wednesday 11 May 2016

5 Ways To Deal With Life's Most Stressful Moments

You're reading 5 Ways To Deal With Life's Most Stressful Moments, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

5 Ways To Deal With Life's Most Stressful Moments

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller

We think that those who have gone through an easy uneventful life are fortunate enough to have such a blissful experience. But are they?

Among the many things that make a person strong, its experience that creates the biggest change of all.

The truth is, an easy life doesn't prepare you for anything. People who have not been exposed to any kind of pain and suffering while growing up are not well equipped to face the dangers of the real world.

More often than not, children who grew up with strict overprotective parents grow to be shy inhibited individuals incapable of standing up for themselves. The lot of them doesn't have the mental tools to successfully cope with life's nerve-racking moments. Because to be able to succeed and bounce back through life's stressful moments, one must know how to cope. Here are ways to cope through some of the most challenging days of your life.

1. Understand the Stressful Situation

What have I learned – Any experience good or bad, is a chance to learn something new. Your failure might have taught you not to forsake study time again. Your failed marriage is an opportunity to find a better partner. Your bullying high school classmates taught you everything horrible about human nature. There is always a lesson to learn, in each mistake. So don't be too blind not to see that.

What can I change? – You feel stuck, frustrated and lonely for a reason. And this is because of something that you did, or you're currently doing. Now that you have acknowledged your faults. It's time to think up of solutions and things to change.

What do I want? – Your thoughts are important. So does what you think of yourself. When you're feeling unsure what to do. Trust your heart. Soon you'll realize that you're capable of achieving whatever you want. It's time to stand up for yourself, stop following what others expect you to do.

2. Let out Your Emotions

Bottling up your emotions may do you more harm than good. It's not only bad for your mental and physical health. Studies say it also knocks years off from your life. The next time you feel frustrated, and feel like you want to shout, cry or throw tantrums. Don't stop yourself. Do it. The sooner you release that emotion, the better.

Cry. – You're crying because it matters. Tears do not symbolize weakness. Tears are a sign of humanity. The strong are those who can shed a tear. If you haven't passed the licensure exam, and feel frustrated, don't be shy to cry. It's a good way to let out your frustration and ease the pain away.

Have a Journal – Writing on your journal is a good way to articulate your thoughts. If you're not feeling up to sharing your ideas, or realizations to friends or loved one, then a journal is your best choice to let out how you feel.

Get out. A busy lifestyle is always depicted by lack of sleep and more time indoors – in office or at home, working your ass off 24/7. What people actually don't know is. Too much time of staying indoors can actually be bad for you. To keep your mind and body healthy, you need some time outside. Go out, take a walk along the park, look at the birds, the trees…

3. Reach Out

During life's stressful moments what we need is a helping hand. Don't do this alone. As humans we are always in search of connection, a chance to share our selves. Who knows? Maybe all you need is a good conversation.

 Call a friend – Nobody ever got into life without a friend. Friends are treasures forever. If you're undergoing one of the most stressful moments of your life, take a break, hang out with a friend and share your thoughts.

Professional services – Sometimes we may need to seek professional help. If you're undergoing one of the toughest and most stressful moments in your life, it will give you a peace of mind if you ask help from the experts. For example if you just had a fight with your wife, and can't seem to patch your relationship you can hire a marriage counselor. If you're about to move with your family, and having a stressful time thinking what to and not bring, hire a mover. There are many professional services out there that can help you during your life's most stressful moments.

 4. Give up the Drama

You can spend all day moping about your regrets. That won't change anything.  Wipe your tears and get a hold of yourself. It's not the end of the world. You have the capability to work through your situation and achieve what you intended to.

 5. Gratitude

Practice gratitude.  You must acknowledge that there is always goodness in everything. People are naturally good at heart. And most of the time, they wish you good rather than bad. When you exemplify gratitude, you can achieve true happiness within you. Happiness that can bring out your true potential and help you achieve greater life satisfaction.

Remember life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger with each challenge you face.

You've read 5 Ways To Deal With Life's Most Stressful Moments, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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