Wednesday 18 May 2016

5 Important Ways To Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

You're reading 5 Important Ways To Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

What Are Limiting Beliefs?

Whether we like it or not, our beliefs hold sway over our lives more than we care to admit.

In our health, we use excuses such as lacking the time and energy to start an exercise program.

In our relationships, we use excuses, such as work keeping us busy from building up the kinds of relationships we would really like.

In our wealth, we use excuses such as lack of business knowledge or capital to keep us from starting in the first place.

These beliefs are called limiting beliefs.

Thinking Equates Results

In each of these cases, our limiting beliefs creates the results that we keep seeing, which only strengthens those beliefs, which keeps limiting us and keeps us in bondage.

The simplest way to reinforce or change our limiting beliefs is to change the thinking that brings about those results in the first place.

When we are able to see changes in our results, we see that a change in our thinking has the power to change our lives.

Imagination Leads to Affirmations

It's easy to say that we can change our results by changing our thinking. Yet, we have the chicken-and-the-egg problem. How can we affirm what we want when we have a hard time believing it in our hearts?

We have a discrepancy between what we think and what we are. In the end, what we are beats out what we want to think.

Imagination then is the key to affirmations. Imagination acts as a bridge between what's now possible in our current reality and what seems impossible in a different reality. Imagination lets us jump from here to the impossible.

When you engage in the daily practice of visualization and affirmations, your thinking slowly changes over time. What was at one time impossible soon changes into what is possible.

You start to feel good because in your visualization, you are already the person you want to be. And of course that makes you feel good. Feeling good leads to you doing more of the same, even if right now it seems far-fetched and impossible. Overtime, you will start believing in what is impossible.

If you are feeling bad, then what you want is likely wrong for you. It's really as simple as that.

We're told to think logically. Only illogical, irrational people think with their feelings. When you are able to mix logic, rationality, and feeling good together, then you are headed in the right direction.

Shift Your Perception

If what you want still seems impossible by any stretch of the imagination, try shifting your perception. Ask yourself what someone who already has what you want or has done what you seek to accomplish would do in your shoes. Then take action and do as they would do.

Above all, be brave, embrace failure, and keep taking action. You will likely fail hundreds of times before you find success. Knowing what does not work is just as important as knowing what does work. After all, we learn as much more from our mistakes as we do from success.

Over time, you will build up your intuition, which only comes from building up experience and reference points. And the only way to build up experience and reference points so that you can then call upon your intuition is to just keep trying new things.

Meditate Daily

Meditation helps you to accept without judgement any thought that enters your mind. The only power a thought or belief has over us is when we choose to give it meaning.

Meditation serves another purpose: It builds up willpower. Willpower is like a muscle. It needs to be constantly worked out in order to get stronger. When we have strong willpower, then we will focus more and more on what we do want, which causes us to take action daily.

Everything suggested today is synergistic. When we visualize, we also start shifting our perceptions in the use our imaginations. This helps us see how to make what we want possible.

Because in our visualization we keep seeing what we really want as already fulfilled, we start living in that vibration. Something unexpected happens over time. We start building up future memory. Future memory is our memories occurring in the future. We put our minds into our future selves and ask what we did to get to here (in the future). Back in our present reality, we start doing and trying those things.

Putting It Together

If you dislike where your life is headed, start by looking at the results you are getting. Then change your thinking to change those results.

A change is thinking though is easier said than done, for our thinking mainly comes from the paradigms and mental models of other people.

This requires a creative use of our imaginations to leap to what we do want but seems impossible from where we currently are. Oftentimes, it is necessary to shift your perception in the use of your imagination. When you start feeling good about what you see in your visualizations, then you are heading in the right direction.

That positive feeling will come into play when you meditate and when you practice your affirmations, which only leads to you doing more of the same. When you can finally believe in yourself, you will start taking meaningful action towards what you do what. Overtime, you will start to break your limiting beliefs.

And even if you fail many times in the process of going after what you truly want, you are building up reference points and experience to hone your intuition.  Your intuition will in time guide you towards the right direction. But you can only build up your intuition by building up your experience and your reference points.

In other words, you have to take action.

Benson Wong works with engineers who are feeling burnt out and unfulfilled in their jobs find what it is that they really want to do and help them go get it. This often involves a shift in your perception and a strong change your thinking. It's about first finding yourself. To get started today, claim your free blueprint containing 3 audiosets: How to Be More Confident, 3 Ways to Live the Life of Your Dreams, and How to Live a More Successful Life.

You've read 5 Important Ways To Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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