Thursday 5 May 2016

10 Ways Travel Can Be A Stress Buster

You're reading 10 Ways Travel Can Be A Stress Buster, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.


Travel enriches you at various levels – personal, social and intellectual. It provides enriching experiences to everyone. And, rightfully said those who do not travel read only one chapter of the book; however, reading multiple chapters assist in overcoming and understanding yourself and the world better.

Thus, traveling is also known to help people deal with their personal problems that cause unwanted stresses in life. Still don't agree? We can prove it, here is how:-

Assists In Gaining Newer Perspectives

It is a well-known fact that when one distances himself from a particular problem, he tends to understand the nature of the problem and also a circumstance much better. This helps one overcome problems and bring out an amicable solution to it. Also, the stress attached to it will be easily overcome. On your way you meet a lot of people, and your interactions with them keep you away from the core problem of your life. Keeping a distance from your life's problem for some time helps you see your life in a different light. Many travelers have said that a chance of interaction with a stranger helped them solve their personal problems. You too may find your angel somewhere. Why not travel then?

Gaining Confidence

If you are an under confident person and this is what is the reason behind your stress, traveling solo is the solution to your problem. You may ask how this will make you a confident person. Very simple! When you are out alone, you will have to do everything on your own. You will meet new people every day and interact with them. You will gain a sense of self belief in yourself. And this is what might have been lacking in your personality. Now doesn't that sound like a fruitful venture? Invest now to gain that confidence. Suppose you are traveling in the interior parts of the city San Francisco and it is you who is responsible for arranging everything, you will be left with no choice but do things on your own. For example, arranging trips with locals for the San Francisco road trip, negotiating rates, planning the day and night trips, and, so forth. Sometimes, being on your own helps you gain massive levels of confidence.

Gain Inspiration

Travel is inspirational even if you are doing it for leisure. Traveling to distant lands makes you more thoughtful as you come across different people, different cultures, glorious past and colorful present. For instance, if you happen to visit the Mount Everest and listen to the stories of the people there you will feel inspired by their everyday struggles, their experiences and their knowledge. The vision will leave a profound impact on you, which no text book can ever provide you with. So travel to feed your brain with inspirational stories.

Is A Health Booster

Traveling helps one attain an improved overall health. Traveling makes you happy, and when you are cheerful, there is change of hormones in your body. A happy mood activates the pleasure circuit in the brain, thereby triggering feel good hormone serotonin in to the bloodstream. A happy mind is the key to a healthier body. When one feels healthy, you approach things with much more vigor and vitality. This helps in staying enthusiastic and full of life. Traveling also plays a brilliant role in keeping the optimistic levels high of a traveler, which means you are more likely to deal with stress positively and constructively.

Helps In Anti-aging Process

One of the reasons you should push yourself to travel should be to look younger. Yeah! Leading a stressful life can fasten up the signs of ageing, and one of the ways to delay signs of ageing is by traveling. Distance yourself from everything that is causing ageing on your skin. Traveling is believed to be a wonderful way to detoxify your skin. Getting your skin detoxified is a good reason to travel and get younger.  So, don't delay and take this beautification tour once a year. There is no better way to beat the stress.

Calms Mind Too

Even psychologists suggest moving out of the noisy, hustle-bustle and stress of everyday life, once in a year. This helps one calm his mind and move away from the negativity causing problems. Calming the mind makes one counter life again with more energy and more positivity. It helps one live a more fulfilling life.

Helps You To Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

One of the best aspects of traveling is that you no longer stay in your little bubble. Within no time, you have already left your comfort zone, and are now in a new world with new people. Isn't that making a chill pass through your spine? Yes indeed! When you travel, on an almost daily basis you are met with uncertain situations. Some of the situations force you to make decisions. Making decisions on a daily basis helps you improve your problem-solving skill, which also assists in beating stress out of your life. Stress is not always bad, but it is our ways to deal with it that really matters. Traveling teaches you to handle your stresses in healthier ways.

Rejuvenates Your Energy Levels

A peculiar benefit of traveling is that a change in the environment and people helps you look at life differently. A change in the external setting will irrefutably play a significant role in providing you with the much needed 'Me' time. This 'Me' time is crucial in order to relax and calm down your nerves. It is, however, imperative to choose a place carefully. Look for places that bring you near water, as water has a tendency to calm the nerves. Bay cruises from San Francisco come to mind as they really provide a splendid time to its visitors. It is a good idea to get in touch with San Francisco sightseeing tour operators to help you arrange the logistics as doing it yourself will just add to the existing stress of your life.

Builds Positive Memories

Life is all about memories, isn't it? Traveling fetches you with memorable and pleasant memories that you can cherish for a lifetime. The photos that you click of happy-you, and the videos that you will shoot of your happy moments, will assist you in bouncing back in those times when you feel low. These pleasant memories will play a pivotal role in creating positive thoughts when you are faced with stressful situations.

Nothing Is Larger Than Life

Finally, traveling will bring you back to a simple way of living and thinking. We tend to take our lives too seriously, which inevitably results into stressful living. A human mind is full of worries about petty things such as paying bills on time, traffic on the roads, official meetings, what to wear, what to cook, and so forth. However, traveling will teach you how to take life as it comes. It will allow you to go with the flow and not worry unnecessarily.

Final Thoughts!

Travel at every opportunity you get. It works like a magical pill that will eliminate varied stresses from your life. Pack your bags and choose your next destination today!

You've read 10 Ways Travel Can Be A Stress Buster, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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