Thursday 12 November 2015

Why You Should Definitely Replace Your Coffee With Tea


Coffee. Some people swear that they cannot function until they have it flowing through their system in the mornings. It is the reason why there are Starbucks everywhere and anywhere you go in the world. Although coffee is a drink that is savored around the globe, a cup of tea can have greater benefits.

Read on to see why replacing your morning cup of joe with herbal tea can provide numerous health-related perks.

You will boost your mood

Coffee is associated with an energy bolt that can leave you on edge if you consume too much. Tea, on the other hand, helps you remain calm with herbs such as chamomile or lavender. Drinking a cup of tea before a stressful day at the office will help soothe any frazzled nerves and thus increase your overall performance and personal demeanor.

You’ll trim your waistline

One of the benefits of drinking green tea is that it can help you lose weight by making fat cells smaller and speeding up muscle cells. It also contributes to a slimmer waistline by speeding up your metabolism. In a study by the American Journal of Clinical Review, daily green tea consumption over 12 weeks helped individuals lose weight. Tea also has a lot less calories, especially if you are used to drinking your coffee with creamer.

You will have a stronger immune system

Tea can help boost your immune system, especially green tea that contains EGCG antioxidants. Swapping your daily cup of coffee for tea will help ward off any of those nasty colds and flus that always seem to be making their ways around schools, workplaces and your home.

Buying teas with echinacea can also provide a extra layer of protection against germs.

You’ll sleep better

One of the issues with drinking coffee is that if you consume it too late in the day, you may have trouble sleeping at night. With tea, there are numerous types that you can enjoy that do not have the high levels of caffeine that coffee has. There are even teas that contain natural sleep aids like Valerian root, therefore helping you achieve that deeper night’s sleep.

You will enjoy better digestion

Anything with high levels of caffeine can create high levels of acidity in your body that can contribute to indigestion, heartburn and other gastrointestinal disorders. Teas like ginger and peppermint are a perfect remedy to make your body more alkaline.

You’ll have better oral hygiene

Tea has fluoride and tannins that help reduce plaque within your mouth. Adding tea into your morning routine will help promote dental hygiene.

Just be sure that your tea is not sweetened with sugar, which can have the opposite effect.

You will get help in warding off cancer

Green tea and black tea has a high level of antioxidants that can help prevent cancer. In green tea it is the polyphenols and in black tea the theaflavins and thearubigins.

Even through tea is seen as something beneficial, drinking too many glasses can actually have adverse effects, so make sure to sip in moderation.

You will not be as dependent

Coffee has an addictive nature to it, which explains why you can experience headaches if you stop drinking it. Tea on the other hand is non-habit forming, but still has a bit of caffeine in it that can give you a head start in the morning. Try a black or green tea to wake your body up first thing in the morning.

For a natural drink that has high levels of caffeine, but is not as addictive as coffee, try Yerba Mate, a beverage that is commonly consumed in parts of South America.

Featured photo credit: Woman with a Cup of Tea/VIKTOR HANACEK via

The post Why You Should Definitely Replace Your Coffee With Tea appeared first on Lifehack.

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