Friday 27 November 2015

4 Timeless Ways to Boost Your Intelligence

4 Timeless Ways To Boost Your Intelligence

how to boost your energy

Although intelligence means something different to everyone, psychologists and scientists have tried to pin it down to just our IQ, as if a number can be representative of our entire mind. They used to believe that intelligence is entirely inherited, that it is something everyone is born with and can’t be changed or improved upon.

Today we understand that intelligence is a much more abstract concept. It is not set in stone. It can be influenced by our environment, our mindsets, and our commitment to constantly improve ourselves.

There are two key factors over which we have control if we want to get smarter.

1. The environment we choose

This is the classic Nature vs Nurture debate.

Nature: our genetic makeup.

Nurture: the environmental factors which influence our development.

Turns out it is not so much Nature vs. Nurture as it is Nature and Nurture– they interact. Intelligence is only partially inherited. The full potential of our intelligence is determined by the environment we set it in. This means the people we surround ourselves with, the new challenges we give ourselves, and the shows we choose to watch, are just a few examples of factors that influence our intelligence. Nature and nurture interact together to create intelligence. Even though we can’t (yet) change our genes, we are in control of many factors in your own environment.

2. The mindset we choose

What about when things do happen in our environment, which we have no control over?

It comes down to our mindset.

Current research indicates that the only limit to one’s intelligence is what the individual believes is possible and how his or her behaviors either foster or limit his or her intelligence.

What does this mean?

If you have always been told you are unintelligent by your teachers or your family members you are likely to have set a mental limit for yourself and what you can achieve, thus preventing you from reaching your full potential.

Michael Strasner, personal and professional coach for over thirty years, says our beliefs come from our past experiences and the interpretations we make from those events.

When we make the effort to identify the negative beliefs we have about ourselves and remove them from our thoughts then we are truly free to become anything we want, including more intelligent.

Choose the growth mindset

The growth mindset, a concept founded by psychologist Carol Dweck, perfectly describes the qualities, which are essential to developing our intelligence.

The qualities are:

  • Embracing challenges
  • Persisting in the face of setbacks
  • Viewing effort as the path to mastery
  • Learning from criticism
  • Finding lessons and inspiration in the success of others

To improve our intelligence, ironically, sometimes we need to make mistakes and immerse ourselves in situations where we are in a state of disequilibrium. Although this may initially feel uncomfortable, it ultimately brings us much further in life than the person who’s main goal it is to appear smart in the eyes of others.

4 Simple Ways To Get Smarter:

1. Challenge Yourself

Lev Vygotsky developed the theory of the Zone of Proximal Development during the last ten years of his life. He believed the optimal tasks for developing our cognitive abilities are ones, which are too difficult for us to master on our own, but we are able to complete with some assistance from other, more capable peers.

As soon as a task becomes effortless for us to complete on our own, it is a sign that we are not challenging ourselves enough and are not encouraging any potential growth in that specific area.

Are there any areas in your own life where the tasks have stopped requiring your conscious effort? Unless you don’t wish to improve, don’t get too comfortable.

Intelligence is like a muscle. It can’t become stronger if it is not challenged by heavier weights and exercises.

2. Read Smarter

Reading just about anything will improve your awareness and open your mind to new thoughts and ideas.

According to an article by Glen Stansberry “Those that read have higher GPA’s, higher intelligence, and general knowledge than those that don’t.”

While the concept of reading books to get smarter is not exactly novel, few of us actually do it.

The reason is, they’re not reading smart. Any of us can read more books by increasing your reading speed, using technology like Spritz, and even dropping books we don’t love.

If you haven’t read our article on how to read over 60+ books a year, I highly recommend checking it out.

3. Hang Out With People Who Are Smarter Than You

Perhaps we aren’t exactly as Jim Rohn said, “the average of the five people you spend the most time with” but he was definitely heading in the right direction.

No matter how strong we are, those closest to us can and will have an impact on our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings.

It may feel more comfortable to have friends who aren’t overachievers, because it takes the pressure off of us, but ultimately one of the best ways to become more intelligent and grow as a person is to surround ourselves with intelligent and ambitious people.

The same goes for when we surround ourselves with people who genuinely believe we are intelligent and capable. They will subconsciously show more respect and enthusiasm towards our abilities and ourselves.

We register these slight differences in behavior and mirror their high expectations with our excellent results.

4. Become An Idea Machine

In James Altucher’s new book: The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth, he shares a daily habit of his with fellow readers.

Everyday, no matter what, he writes down 10 new ideas.

It is easier said than done. Altucher says, the more we practice it, the easier it will become for us to think of ideas and solutions during times of conflict where it is essential to be able to react quickly.

You might choose to write all ideas in one sitting or you could carry around a small notepad and write down any ideas you have, sporadically throughout the day.

I genuinely believe everyone is intelligent and capable of enhancing his or her own intelligence.

The tips in this article are meant to help you see measurable changes in the way you think, the ideas you have, and the challenges you are able to face in real life. By measurable I don’t mean an IQ test or your grades in school, but the progress you make towards your goals and the future you desire.

Over To You

Which of these tips to get smarter did you resonate with? Are there any that you have not been utilizing?

The post 4 Timeless Ways to Boost Your Intelligence appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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