Thursday 5 November 2015

Why It’s The Perfect Time For Your Career Makeover

Why It's The Perfect Time For A Career Makeover

how to change careers

Hold on for just one second. You’re quitting? Are you sure you want to head out that door? How sure are you that the moment you close the door behind you that another opportunity will open up? People quit their jobs for many reasons: low pay, lack of creativity, lack of growth, long hours, horrible bosses and the list goes on. And perhaps all of these reasons are valid. But you should also know that getting a job or having a career is not an overnight thing. There are millions out there who will do anything to be where you are and do what you do.

Here is an overview of what’s happening: According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than two million leave their jobs every month. Again, that’s two million. Two million people would rather leave their jobs not knowing what will happen next rather than stay and take a shot at security. And why do they leave? A Gallup poll found that low pay is not the primary reason why employees leave their jobs. It turned out that people do not actually quit their jobs, they quit their bosses. The main hindrance to finding career success is a supervisor or a manager that makes going to work a little harder every day.

You have your reasons. But remember that just like the rest of us, you have bills to pay and a future to get ready for. In times like these, it always pays to be a positive person and rethink your career. Quitting your job is not always the best solution. For all you know, you are already in your dream job and just need some career upgrade. Here’s your guide for that ultimate career makeover.

Make a “happy” list


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Your job can’t be all that bad. After all, you worked so hard to get it. One way to remain a positive person is to find that things that you enjoy in your current job. List down the things that you like — nice work station, work schedule, some work freedom, regular training and team building activities, the person sitting next to you, food in the cafeteria, and so on. Always try to build from the list and constantly go over them to remind you of the good things. Get your happy on.

Re-assess your skills

Does it seem like the job seemed perfect for you when you are applying for it but suddenly feel totally out of place once you start doing it? Maybe you need to make an inventory of your professional and personal skills yet again. If you want to experience career success, you have to make sure that you are exactly where you want to be in terms of skills. If you do not know how to talk to people, what are you doing in the sales team? Build on what you can do and work on skills for improvement. Try asking your bosses for a transfer but make sure you have the right motivation. Tell them how your skills fit better in another department.  

Set your goals


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It is important to never lose sight of your goals. Always remember that what you are doing today is in preparation for the bigger things you want in the future. Being goal-oriented is among the most crucial attitudes to become successful. Based on your personal and professional skills and your career path, determine where you want to be in five or ten years. Anticipate and prepare for what you need to do in order to achieve these goals. Write them down if you have to. Just make sure that these goals are feasible and realistic.

Take baby steps

One of the main reasons why some employees feel there is no progress in their job or that they are not going anywhere is because they want things to happen so fast. Remember that some career changes take longer. There are personal matters that can keep you from taking that big promotion or there are industry matters that are beyond your control. It is okay to take it slow and in baby steps. The important thing is that you work on it every day.

Track your progress


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Once you have your goals set and made strategies to achieve them, make sure to track your progress. It helps if you know you are getting somewhere. In this case, a realistic timeline is in order. Monitoring your progress is one way to keep you motivated. Among the characteristics of a successful person are knowing where he is exactly and what else needs to be done. Be flexible and know how to adjust.

Talk to a mentor

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There must be someone in the industry that you trust and admire. You don’t have to actually get professional to help you find ways to achieve career growth. You need a mentor. This mentor does not have cost you. It could just be someone at work or a friend you look up to who can help you get back on track. Talk to this person. Talk about his struggles and successes. Be honest about your predicament and let him help you. It helps to know that someone knows what you are going through in your professional life. It helps to be inspired.

Check motives and intentions

Why do you really want to leave? Ask this a million times before making a decision to quit. Is it just because you don’t like the person sitting next to you? Your workplace is far? You had a rift with your boss? You find wearing corporate attire boring? Make sure your intentions and motivations are reasonable. Don’t be childish about it.  

Treat it like an adventure


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When working towards a successful career, try to enjoy every minute of it. Find ways to treat every step like an adventure, with ups and downs, but totally worth it. Find ways to have fun.

Find ways to make things work instead of giving up right away. Remember that you worked so hard to be where you are and quitting is just another way of walking away. Strike a balance with your professional and personal life so that you don’t feel like you are torturing yourself at work. Remind yourself why you started out in the first place — family, future, and self-fulfillment.

The post Why It’s The Perfect Time For Your Career Makeover appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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