Monday 15 February 2016

The Great Time Management Hoax: Why Saving Time Is Bad For Your Business

The Great Time Management Hoax: Why Saving Time Is Bad For Your Business

time management tips

You are frustrated.

Because you have read a lot of blog posts about time management...

but you can`t see any progress in your business.

You can try to neglect the fact as long as you want, but sooner or later you have to realize that... have just wasted a lot of time trying to learn how to save time. How ironic is that?

Your fruitless attempts to hack time have just set you back even more. And there is no way you can catch up with your schedule.

What`s even worse, is that you feel stupid and you start to doubt yourself.

You want dig a whole in the ground with a shovel, and then hide there for the next decade.

Can you relate? If so, no worries. We`ve all been there.

Relax, I got your back. No need to use that shovel. Let me introduce you to the great time management hoax: why saving time is bad for your business.

Let`s start by looking into...

Why your focus is wrong

You are focusing on saving time in your business, right?

But that is not the real goal. Let`s dig deeper.

Because you don`t really want to save time in your business. You want to save time in your business so you can achieve something else.

The question is: what is it that you actually want to achieve?

Most likely it would be to spend more time with your family or increase the income in your business.

So it basically boils down to you achieving more time vs. more money.

You might be thinking: "Tor, what if I actually want to do both?"

A good question, indeed.

You should only focus on one big goal at a time.

Imagine a person who is dreaming of winning a bodybuilding contest. In order to win the contest he / she needs to have built muscles and lost a lot of weight. However in order to do that efficiently, the bodybuilder can`t focus on both goals at the same time. First he / she focuses on building muscles, and once that goal has been achieved, then the focus is changed to losing weight.

Let me share a secret with you.

Are you ready?

Once you achieve one of your goals, you are actually able to easily achieve your second goal too.

If you had to only focus on one of the goals (time or money), which one would you choose first?

If you said more money, then a high five to you. *SLAP*

Once you increase your income, you can afford to hire people. This will result in you getting more time to spend with your family.

The true power of leverage

The rules are the same. We only have 24 hours in our day and it should be a level playing field.

But it`s NOT.


Because some people are using the true power of leverage.

Do you know the main difference between a very successful person and you?

It`s how you have spent your 24 hours, every single day.

Let me use an example:

James and Peter both have the same skillset, business model, products / services and target market. They have both been hustling like crazy for 3 years. They both earn about $50 000 per year and work for 50 hours per week in their business. In other words; they should have an equal chance to succeed.

Now they decide to choose a different approach. A choice that will change their life forever (yeah, that sentence could have been taken from a fairy tale, I know).

James?s approach is to focus on saving time in his business so he can spend more time with his family.

James?s measureable goal: to shave off 10 hours per week, while being able to maintain the same yearly income for his business.

It will look like this:

Year 1: 45 hours per week - income $50 000

Year 2: 40 hours per week - income $50 000 (Goal reached)

Year 3: 40 hours per week - income $50 000 (Procrastinating)

Year 4: 40 hours per week - income $50 000 (Procrastinating)

Year 5: 40 hours per week - income $50 000 (Procrastinating)

Peter?s approach is to focus on becoming more productive so he can earn more money in his business, and then hire help to get more time with his family.

Peter?s measureable goal one: become more productive and focus on earning more money in his business.

Peter?s measureable goal two: when he earn $20 000 more per year, he will hire help and reduce his own workload to 40 hours per week, being able to spend more time with his family, while his income will be increasing.

It will look like this:

Year 1: 50 hours per week - income $60 000 (Goal one reached)

Year 2: 50 hours per week - income $70 000 (Goal one reached)

Year 3: 40 hours per week - income $80 000 (Goal one and two reached)

Year 3: 40 hours per week - income $90 000 (Growing)

Year 5: 40 hours per week - income $100 000 (Growing)

The only difference between James and Peter is how they use the power of leverage.

When it comes to business, the power of leverage is spending your time in best way possible in order to grow your business (long-term).

Note: Building a successful business is a lot of hard and strategic work. James and Peter are just examples, but it illustrates the point of how the power of leverage works.

The business world is like football. Saving time in your business is being on the defense, and becoming more productive so you can earn more money is being on the offense.

When you get the ball, you should charge toward your opponent`s end of the field for a touchdown. It`s impossible to win a match if you never move forward on the field.

What to do next...

Now you understand the importance of productivity in your business, instead of just saving time.

However, this information is totally useless if you don`t apply it.

Want to earn more money in your business?

Focus on increasing you productivity!

What is your experience with increasing productivity in your business?

How did it impact the income in your business?


This is a guest post by Tor Refsland. Tor helps online entrepreneurs SKYROCKET their productivity and EARN MORE money in their BUSINESS. Want to become more productive? Download his free eBook and learn how to DOUBLE your productivity in 7 days.

The post The Great Time Management Hoax: Why Saving Time Is Bad For Your Business appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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