Monday 8 February 2016

How to Be Happy Even If You Don't Have Money

How To Be Happy Even If You Don't Have Money

how to find happiness

Nowadays, it's commonplace that "money makes the world go round". It almost implies that one cannot be happy if one is not quite well off. Is this true, actually? Let's look at what psychologists and self-help gurus say about that.

As it happens, leading a happy life even if you have to pinch pennies is more than realistic. If you wonder how, here is some advice for you to follow:

- Don't compare your financial possibilities with those of other people - at least, of your friends and relatives (you don't want to feel unhappy in the family circle and among friends, do you?). Such comparisons are a thankless job because there will always be somebody who has more money than you. And if your self-esteem is largely based on how much dough you have, then you are doomed to self-contempt;

- Close relationships and socializing with people you like can give you a lot more happiness than being aware of the fact that you have a tidy sum on your bank account. Humans are creatures for whom it is vitally important to love and to be loved - so just this feeling, Her Majesty Love, is capable of significantly raising the level of life satisfaction. If you are alone, find yourself somebody to love. If you aren't, make sure your relationships with those who are close to you are warm and supportive;

- Those who want to enjoy life should avoid engaging in self-reflection. Don't self-analyze too much - instead, just LIVE, thinking about simple positive things. Reasoning about happiness can't replace actual happiness;

- Choose a job that gives you pleasure and promotes your self-realization. In addition, it is expedient that this job doesn't involve overworking - exhaustion and happiness are hardly compatible with each other;

- A good rest is very important. Get enough sleep, take outdoor walks, spend time in nature. In this way, you will always be in a good mood. Don't forget to exercise, because active recreation is the best one (but don't overtax yourself, either);

- Aspire to something realistic, set only attainable goals. If you associate happiness with having billions of dollars or ruling the world, you will stay unhappy forever. Life can give you many affordable yet pleasurable things, so don't overlook or underestimate them;

- Imagine that you have no money at all. What could you take pleasure in under the circumstances? Think about it and you will surely invent some ways to have fun completely free of charge;

- Become a volunteer. By doing so, you, first, will see lots of people who are REALLY unhappy; in comparison with them, you are most likely happy as a clam. Second, helping those people may bring you no less satisfaction than if you threw your money about. Because that's the way we are - when we help others, when we make them happy, we feel happy, too;

- Infinite happiness as well as peace of mind, inspiration, and a lot of other great things including reason to live can be brought by religion. That's why if you are not a religious person, you might consider becoming one. And if you are, then remember that the Bible says: "Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income... Happy are the people whose God is the Lord. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart";

- If you feel unhappy, you can turn to self-help methods, techniques, and tools, many of which are either free or cheap. They will help you get rid of anxiety, phobias, depression; become more confident, more sociable; less sad, less bored, etc. And it is very likely that, having solved your mental and emotional problems, you will start feeling happy - at least, much happier than you were before.

Bear in mind that happiness isn't something that has to be bought for money - it's just a state of mind. It absolutely depends on your attitude toward life, and it's up to you to change this attitude if necessary.

About the author: Alex Polischuk is a self-help blogger and writer. He has a degree in philology and is keen on psychology. His website is HERE.

The post How to Be Happy Even If You Don't Have Money appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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