Thursday 28 April 2016

Why You Should Recognize and Release Negative Emotions

You're reading Why You Should Recognize and Release Negative Emotions, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Why You Should Recognize and Release Negative Emotions

If you practice the law of attraction, negative emotions may be a taboo topic for you. Many people upon discovering this 'secret' make a big change and start forcing themselves to think positive ALL the time, out of fear that they will start to attract negative things if they let negative emotions show up. Well at least that is how I approached it years ago when I discovered law of attraction.

negative emotionsImagine my surprise when every few months I would erupt in a crying spell or lash out at my husband. When it finally became clear to me was when on the inside I was pulsating depression while on the outside everything looked fabulous. Pushing my negative emotions down was not the way to handle things and unfortunately it took me far too long to discover this.

Heed my warning and do not as I did. As I progressed on my journey I came to find out that negative emotions are just old traumas and beliefs popping up to get some attention. Once we learn to recognize and release them, we no longer need to push them down. Instead of coming up again and again, we can actually learn the lesson, process it and get back to happy.

So how do you spot a negative emotion for what it is? You gauge how you feel. Pretty simple right? You have a built in guidance system that allows you to experience how you feel. It also gives you direct feedback on what you will be attracting into your life. So you notice that you are feeling frustrated one day, what you are likely to experience is more frustration (and frustrating things) until something happens to snap you out of it.

Let me give you an example of noticing and releasing a negative emotion so that you don't have to push it down or avoid it. Say you own a business. You have a fear that your clients won't pay on time. If you focus on this feeling for too long, reality will match what you are feeling and boom, late payments. Another option is to push the fear down, thus equaling late payments, and maybe even turning to anger and resentment about your business. Great news, there is also a third option. You can choose to see this emotion for what it is, fear, and as soon as you notice it and acknowledge it the hard part is over.

When I notice a negative emotion or belief now I write it down on my garbage list, and then take some quiet time each day and let go of them.

There are a multitude of ways to let go, my favorite is to use EFT tapping to get to the root of my limiting belief. A few other good options are Ho'oponopono or forgiveness, journalling about the belief or emotion to release it or writing down all the reasons that the fear/ belief is false and spiraling into positive.

The next time you feel a negative emotion continually come up, and are ready to deal with it, try one of the releasing techniques above or your own and see how much easier it is to stay on the positive side of things!


Tracy Gaudet is an intuitive energy alignment coach who helps women bust through limiting beliefs and blocks and teaches manifesting as a way of life. In addition to being a certified law of attraction life coach and life force chakra healer, Tracy also works as an intuitive to read into energy blocks and uses EFT among other techniques to help women release what is holding them back.

You've read Why You Should Recognize and Release Negative Emotions, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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